When You Need To Lose Weight According To The Lunar Calendar

When You Need To Lose Weight According To The Lunar Calendar
When You Need To Lose Weight According To The Lunar Calendar

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The moon has four phases of development: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. These phases, according to experts, affect human life, the natural cycles of the body, and therefore, knowing about the properties, you can correct some of them. For example, to lose weight "with the help of the moon."

When you need to lose weight according to the lunar calendar
When you need to lose weight according to the lunar calendar


Step 1

You can start losing weight, that is, adhere to the chosen diet, in any of the lunar phases. It is only necessary to slightly adjust food choices and physical activity.

Step 2

On the new moon, it is advisable to limit yourself to a strict diet, and on the first day it is best to arrange a fasting day, using only kefir or low-fat milk. In large quantities, you can eat vegetables and fruits (with the exception of sweet ones). The amount of water you drink should be significantly increased. Give preference to non-carbonated mineral water, this will help remove toxins and toxins from the body. Reduce physical activity, limit yourself only to daily morning exercises.

Step 3

During the waxing moon phase, all medications are well absorbed, therefore, in this phase it is good to start taking a complex of vitamins with trace elements. Drink freshly squeezed juices and use a gentle diet. The diet should not be high in calories, but still drink water in excess. This phase of the moon gives a feeling of a surge of unprecedented energy. By the way, the boost of energy can be used for sports. Physical education, coupled with a diet, will give a very effective result in the fight against excess weight.

Step 4

The waning moon is the worst time to go on a diet. The constant feeling of hunger, which is exacerbated in this phase, can push you to uncontrolled food intake. You should eat normally, within reasonable limits. All fats that enter the body during this phase of the moon are quickly and easily broken down and do not tend to be deposited in fat folds. During this period, you can exercise moderately by visiting the gym.

Step 5

In general, the lunar weight loss calendar is divided into two periods. The first period begins at the full moon, the diet of this time is based on fluid intake. During this period, excess fluid in the body is removed, which allows you to fight against its retention in the body. The second period begins on the new moon, the diet is based on the consumption of vegetables and fruits. The body receives vitamins and gets rid of toxins.

Step 6

Losing weight according to the Moon, remember the unshakable rules: enter the diet gradually, leave smoothly, the adaptation period can take from 2 weeks to 1, 5 months. Drink plenty of fluids, do not start without an urgent need for courses of treatment, especially medication. Split food, eat often, but little by little. Replace potatoes and bread with cereals, give up pasta. Coffee, sugar, salt and pepper should be prohibited, smoked and fried - in limited quantities.
