Sand is used for construction, and it is used to create bricks and concrete. It also happens river and sea, and it is nice to roll on the beaches, sunbathing and basking. But what else can you do with sand? It turns out that you can create real art from sand.

Not only bricks are made of sand, glass is also made from sand, but the most unusual is the creative use of sand. For example, in China there is a whole art - the creation of a picture from sand, laid in layers in a glass vessel. A similar production of unusual souvenirs is practiced in Arab countries, only in bottles. It turns out very beautiful and unusual. However, such a picture is not difficult to do at home. The essence of the work is to lay out colored sand in layers. This is done with a metal knitting needle and glue, and the sand is then painted. Maybe you have come across the popular now whole sand stories, recorded on video and broadcast on screens? The history painted with sand was used as a social advertisement by the Society for the Protection of Animals in one of its actions. This young but attractive art movement is called sand animation. And only a transparent table with lighting and the sand itself are used. Unlike colored sand paintings, sand animation came from Western culture. This show is really worth a look. And, finally, the most familiar creation made of free-flowing material - a sand sculpture, familiar to everyone from children's turrets and sand castles. It is not uncommon to hold whole contests for the best sand sculpture. And it doesn't matter at all whether it is a big competition or a local competition in a small yard. Sculptures are made alone and in groups. But alas, such beauty is short-lived. Strange, but so attractive sand. So weak and so seemingly useless. But on the one hand: bricks and glass for many years of life, and on the other, real art. And the most interesting thing is that with the help of sand, you can even conduct psychotherapy. And very effective. After all, you probably noticed how calmer your soul becomes while you are sitting on the beach and just touching the sand with your hands, and this is not the whole part of what you can do with sand. It all depends on the imagination and perseverance of the person.