How To Draw An Ant

How To Draw An Ant
How To Draw An Ant

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Drawing is a creative process that largely depends on the skills and imagination of the artist. It is quite difficult to embody objects on paper that are indistinguishable from real ones. Not everyone, for example, knows how to draw an ant so that it is difficult to distinguish it from the real one.

How to draw an ant
How to draw an ant

It is necessary

  • -pencil;
  • -eraser;
  • -paper;
  • - paints or colored pencils.


Step 1

Draw a small, vertical oval extending downward to serve as the ant's head. Further, closer to the upper right border of the oval, draw four more, much smaller in size than the first. Place them in a curved line to the right of the head, close to each other, and make the last oval the smallest. You have five ovals, one after the other. Erase the borders separating the drawn shapes: everything except the first (where the head is) and the last, which will separate one part of the body from another. Complete the drawing with an inverted ovoid shape, tapering sharply towards the bottom. Place it to the right of the small oval so that the latter is in the middle, and the figure itself is tilted slightly forward.

Step 2

Start drawing the legs of the insect. The ant is located sideways to you, so there should be three fully traced legs. Start drawing them from the smallest oval and move towards the head. Remember that the limbs should be made up of approximately five adjacent parts. When the legs closest to you are ready, make a hint of the distant ones (which are behind the ant's body), drawing only their beginning at the body and the end on the ground.

Step 3

Now go back to the head. At the top of the first oval, draw a round eye in the center. And lengthen the lower part of the head slightly, bending it down just a little. Draw the antennae in the form of a straight number seven, bearing in mind that the horizontal part of the antennae should be longer than the vertical one, and tilt it slightly forward.

Step 4

Start painting over the resulting ant and applying shadows. Start at the back of your torso. Before painting, divide it with vertical curving lines into 4 parts. This will make the drawing look realistic. Next, draw small hairs along the entire outline of the ant. And after that paint over everything else, leaving some parts of the insect light.
