An ant farm is a wonderful gift for naturalists and nature lovers. In addition to helping you relax and relieve stress, watching your farm can help you learn about the behavior and lifestyle of ants. You can buy an ant farm, but it doesn't come cheap. You can save money if you make an ant farm with your own hands.

Step 1
Start by purchasing an aquarium from your pet store. It should be small (about twenty centimeters in height) and narrow (the ratio of length to width should be about ten to one).
Step 2
If no such aquarium is available for sale, or if you want to save money, use a sheet of glass, a knife for cutting glass surfaces and silicone glue. Having drawn the outlines of the parts of the aquarium on the sheet, cut out pieces of the required size from the glass and glue them together. Then, when the glue is dry, carefully cut off the protruding pieces of silicone. The aquarium is ready.
Step 3
Place white sand or ant farm gel in the tank. Of course, you will have to pay for the gel, but its use has a number of advantages. In addition to the fact that the ant farm, filled with a bluish translucent gel, will look more aesthetically pleasing, the issue with the nutrition of the ants will be resolved: the gel contains the nutrients necessary for the ants to function properly.
Step 4
When the ant farm is ready, take the young queen, ready to lay eggs, and some worker ants, and place them inside. Cover the aquarium with a lid to prevent the ants from scattering, but remember to remove it at least once a day, otherwise the inhabitants of the farm will suffocate.