Five items from the beach collection in Zombie Farm can be exchanged for only 5,000 coins and 500 experience points. However, collecting it is a mandatory requirement for several quests of the game at once. So it's worth stocking up on this kit and using it when needed.

Where to dig the beach collection at Zombie Farm is a tricky question. With shovels, the sought-after items are obtained under rather rare buildings and decorations. Not all players install stone or plush letters "U", "P" and "A", as well as "Spring vases". Therefore, before you go in search of friends, you should ask them in a personal message to put these items in a conspicuous place. You can even buy them yourself on the market and then send them as a gift. For this simple operation, click the bow box icon next to the decoration in the warehouse. But “Marathoner” and “Flag of the Marathoner” were put on their islands only by those who played back in 2012. It was then that they were available for purchase. So it makes sense to look for such people in social networks and add to them as friends in order to get new neighbors in the "Zombie Farm". Another option is to find friends with the unfinished Rocket. Until the object is completed, it is not difficult to dig up a beach collection under it. Well, if you are lucky enough to find a plot with a secret treasure from your neighbors, the set may be in it.
When looking for this set, it is helpful to check the fisherman's buckets and stargazers' bags frequently. The right thing is brought both by zombies for coins and for zombies.
In addition, trips by a sailor or on his own ship to other islands will be fruitful. The brought values "Vase", "Bowl", "Pink shell", "Orange shell", "Octopus", "Sea urchin" and "Seahorse" also contain a beach collection. Finally, you just need to wait for a gift from the administration for the holidays or for the "Collector 2" quests. There will be a beach set in it.