Manager is a great game for kids and their parents. Unpredictable situations on the stock exchange are captivating and exciting. What surprise will the next move present: chance or force majeure? Whether the player will become a millionaire or bankrupt will be known only at the end of the game.

Step 1
Before starting the game, select a leader and players (from 2 to 6). Each player is given 1500 banknotes and a chip by the leading banker. Place the chips at the start and determine the order of moves by throwing the dice. According to the amount dropped, start moving forward in the direction from the start. Where your chip left off, you can buy any real estate (streets, islands) or a company if it doesn't belong to anyone. If you fell on someone else's property, pay the rent (tax). When you buy property, you get shares (title to property). When you have purchased all the shares of a certain color group, you can build houses and hotels, but no more than four in one span. Having bought four houses, rent them out and buy a hotel. This is an additional income in the game, since the rent from the trapped player is charged in double or triple the amount. You cannot charge a fee from mortgaged real estate.
Step 2
In the "Chance" or "Office" interval, take the top card and follow its prescription. Crossing the start line, receive from the bank "salary" in the amount of 200 banknotes and open the top card "Force majeure". The instructions in it apply to all players. In the “Income Tax” sector, pay a choice of 200 banknotes, or 10 percent of the value of your property. Walk twice when a double hits the dice. If you have a double in a row more than two times, you are delayed by an interpol, skip a move and pay a fine (50 bills). Also, you are delayed by the interpolation on the prescription of the "Chance" or "Office" cards. Interpol does not detain only if you have a chance card or an office with the text: "You were detained by interpol by mistake" or "You have a brilliant lawyer."
Step 3
Once in the "Exchange" interval, you have the right to participate in transactions. Throw the dice and follow the instructions in the dropped sector. It is allowed to make no more than three moves. At the “Charitable Fund” section, pay 75 notes to a separate bank box. When you come across a "Get a Charitable Fund" card, you will take all the contents of this piggy bank. The loser is the one who has less cash and property than he should pay the bank or another player. The bankrupt is eliminated from the game, and the last player remaining is declared the winner.