How To Play The Board Game "Business Class"

How To Play The Board Game "Business Class"
How To Play The Board Game "Business Class"

Board game "Business Class" was developed in 2003. This game will be interesting for those who embark on the path of serious study of business issues.

How to play a board game
How to play a board game

Before the start of the game, the following are randomly selected: a banker (issues initial capital), an exchange broker (stores stock exchange cards), a tax inspector (at the end of the financial year collects and submits property tax to the bank in the amount of 10%), a croupier (accepts bets on roulette, issues winnings by tokens).

The player starts the game with the highest number after the first die is rolled. The beginning of the game by all participants is carried out from the site number 0. The pieces move along the playing field along the arrows. On sections 9, 16, 44 and Autostrada-10, each player can freely choose the direction. The player rolls two dice and moves his token to the number of sections equal to the sum of the points dropped. If the dice after the throw stops in a position that does not allow the upper edge to be unambiguously determined, it is considered that zero fell. If both dice come to rest on an edge, then the player skips a turn.

The goal of the game is to buy up all eight plots of the same (any) color and build up businesses. The first player to complete this challenge is considered the absolute winner (Tycoon). The bankrupt (bankrupt) is eliminated from the game. If the game ends earlier, then the winner is determined by the maximum assets (the sum of cash, the value of all property and all shares).

One move in the game is equal in time to one month. The banker keeps track of time. The tax is paid when all players have made 12 moves. The tax inspector should help calculate the value of the players' assets. Cash is easy to count. The total cost of the acquired plots and enterprises is the same (the number of plots multiplied by 25,000 plus the sum of the costs of the enterprises built). To calculate the total value of shares, it is necessary to use not the starting price (five thousand rubles), but the current one. Each player must pay taxes in the amount of ten percent of all their assets received in the past year.

If, when it is necessary to make any payment, the player does not have the necessary funds, then he is declared bankrupt. In this case, all of his assets are transferred to the bank. The bank pays to all creditors of the bankrupt the entire amount of its debts.

For experienced players, it is recommended to: take into account the dependence of the value of enterprises on the share price, receive dividends on shares at the end of the year, use loans from both the bank and other players, introduce non-cash payments, and much more.
