This ancient Sino-Indian game has become very popular since the 18th century. At the same time, the knuckles were named "dominoes" in honor of the black and white masquerade costumes. Now there are several types of domino games. Let's consider the most popular variety in Russia - "goat".

It is necessary
dominoes set, empty table, 2 to 4 enthusiastic people
Step 1
All the knuckles are dropped onto the table point downwards and thoroughly mixed. Then the players sort 5-7 tiles at random. If you play four or three, each gets 5 tiles. If there are only two players, then they take 7 pieces. The remaining stones form the so-called "bazaar", they are laid aside without opening.
Step 2
Players examine their stones. The one who has the most senior double (stone with the same numbers) starts the game. In general, this is a 6-6 stone, if no one has this on their hands, then they are looking for 5-5 and so on. If there is such a situation that no one has duplicates, then they move from the senior stone with different numbers 6-5 or 6-4, and so on. So, the first player puts the first chip on the table, the move from it goes clockwise to the next player.
Step 3
The next player must put one of his stones to the stone on the table, provided that one half of it has the same number of points as the one already on the table. This is how the players lay out stones on the table, attaching them to one or the other edge of the resulting line according to the principle of the coincidence of the number of points.
Step 4
If one of the players has two takes that can be placed both to the right and to the left of the set of stones on the table, then such takes can be placed in one move. In general, only one stone is placed per turn. If the player does not have a suitable stone, then he goes "to the bazaar", that is, he takes a token at random from a pile of extra stones. The player takes stones from the "bazaar" until he draws a suitable one. All unsuitable stones remain in his hands.
Step 5
Thus, the game continues until one of the players places all their stones on the table or until a "fish" appears. "Fish" is a dead end situation where all players have chips in hand, but no one has the right chips for the table, and the "bazaar" has run out of chips.
At the end of the game, the number of points remaining for each player is calculated. The number of points coincides with the number of points on the knuckles that the player has left in his hands. In this case, an empty double 0-0 is worth 25 points. The score entry for each player opens with 13 points. After the score is recorded, the next round of the game begins. The game ends when one of the players scores 101 points, he is called a "goat".