Embroidery patterns found on the Internet, in magazines or purchased from designers are usually developed in the floss palette of any one brand. Only a few circuit designers offer a ready-made selection of floss of different brands. Often, embroiderers independently translate the shades of the scheme into the palette of the brand available to them. So that the result of the work after such a translation does not become a disappointment, it is worth approaching this issue carefully.

Step 1
Find several different tables for matching floss shades. These can be tables from embroidery sites, programs for online translation of floss threads, tables in catalogs of floss manufacturers. It is also useful to install a program for creating and reading diagrams in the.xsd format and convert the palette in it. But this stage is only preparatory.
Step 2
You will see that different sources may offer different matching options for the same shade, or there are no options at all. This is because not all colors in one palette can match exactly in other palettes. Therefore, for such shades, it is desirable to compare all the proposed options with the original "live".

Step 3
Print out the key to the diagram and write down all the matches for the original colors. If possible, print a color image of the future embroidery. Go to a craft store.
Step 4
First, collect those shades for which there is no disagreement in the tables. Then take the original shade, which does not have an exact match, and the options from the tables, and select the closest one. If the original shade turns out to be the middle between the two proposed options and neither one suits you, you can make a blend out of them.

Step 5
Suppose that the original shade or floss of the brand in which the scheme was developed is not in the store. Then you will have to make a choice from the controversial options visually, based on the image of the future embroidery and compatibility with the colors already selected. It is possible that in order to maintain the transition of shades in embroidery, it will be necessary to replace some of the already selected colors.