Why Dream Of A Kiss

Why Dream Of A Kiss
Why Dream Of A Kiss

Dreaming with kisses certainly falls into the category of pleasant dreams. It is unlikely that someone wants to stop such a dream, on the contrary, most of you would like to see it happen again.

Why dream of a kiss
Why dream of a kiss

Dream kisses

After dreaming about a kiss, you most likely wake up in a good mood, stretch, smile and pick up your favorite dream book with joyful anticipation. But the interpretation of dreams with kisses is ambiguous. On the one hand, kissing is considered a way of expressing true love and respect. On the other hand, the image of Judas tells that sometimes a kiss is evidence of deception and cruel betrayal.

In any case, a kiss is a dream of change, and their interpretation can be perceived both positively and with a negative connotation.

How and with whom do you kiss in a dream?

A kiss on the lips of a husband and wife, a girl and a boyfriend in a dream speaks of pleasant changes: large joint acquisitions, unexpected winnings, gifts.

Particularly passionate kisses are known to mark imminent separation and the sadness associated with it.

Kissing married men, married women with members of the opposite sex indicates impending dishonesty in relationships or work. A kiss to the mother, brothers, sisters is a sign of success in business, friendship, business, relationships. A kiss with a friend will bring a quarrel, and with an enemy - reconciliation, friendship.

Kisses to a stranger are pleasant unknown events (an expensive gift, an unforgettable celebration, career prospects). Kissing a famous person means increasing your status and authority. A kiss with a gypsy promises a large financial gain or unexpected success in business, but warns of quick waste with a carefree attitude to luck.

If you are kissing a photo, it most likely depicts some kind of long-term goal that has not yet been achieved due to your own envy. Kisses on the cheek, neck, forehead warn of a catch, unpleasant news. Kissing feet predicts resentment, humiliation. The earth is kissed in dreams before a long separation from family and loved ones (moving to another city or even to a foreign country).

Kisses with evil spirits warn of possible failures: interaction with vile people, financial instability. Kissing the dead is a harbinger of illness and even death. But if a child sees a kiss in a dream, it is believed that it was his guardian angel who sang lullabies to him and touched him with his wings, guarding the dream.

Seeing children kissing is a happy ending to troubling questions. For pregnant women, too, a kiss promises special care of heavenly forces, easy childbirth and further well-being in the family.
