Most people who have ever encountered a ghost said that they are practically no different from an ordinary person. Although statistics show that in practice, there are different types of ghosts. Not all ghosts can be seen. Sometimes you can only hear them or just feel their presence.

Ghost story
The largest number of ghost stories have come down to us from medieval Europe. They always evoke associations with ancient castles, beautiful Catholic cemeteries, exciting cynicism of persecution of witches.
In those days, it was customary to bury people in shrouds, in white clothes. That is why, according to the researchers, the largest number of ghosts that people meet in their lives in white clothes or just white.
This is an image historically formed on a subconscious level. Usually, when a person senses someone's presence in an empty room or hears "otherworldly" sounds, the subconscious mind automatically draws a picture of a ghost in his memory.
The appearance of the ghost and the purpose of its appearance
There are cases when their recently deceased relatives and friends have appeared to people. Such ghosts usually do not differ externally from an ordinary person, they look like living people. They appear unexpectedly, they can come out of the closet or the wall, they can simply hang in the air.
Probably, the souls of the dead want to say something to living people, to warn against something. However, not everyone can see a ghost. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of people, the ghost can change the temperature in the room, emit all sorts of odors, and move real objects.
Many ghosts have a set of certain movements and gestures, perhaps because they want to explain something to people. And some can even talk. Most likely, not everyone can hear the ghost, and it looks for various ways to attract attention.
Usually ghosts appear for a specific purpose. They can report impending death or serious danger. In this case, they appear in the image of the person who is threatened by this danger.
There are places in the world where ghosts appear all the time. Perhaps the soul of the deceased is associated with this place. For example, he was killed at this place or he died suddenly. Such ghosts often do not carry any information. The soul simply cannot calm down.
Sometimes ghosts are associated with the land of the dead and do not leave it, because they have not completed some business.
But ghosts do not always have an appearance similar to a real person. Sometimes they can have an unclear shape. They can be blurry shapes, translucent, have a bright glow.
The nature of ghosts has not yet been established by science. There is a version that these are clots of some kind of energy that remains from the consciousness of a person after his death. Someone believes that if a person lived and died for a long time in one place, then the memory of the earth or dwelling is able to reproduce the portrait of this person.
A person's vision is drawn by consciousness based on the information that is already embedded in it.
A ghost appears to people either in the guise of a familiar person, or in the form of a ghost seen in a movie, described on the pages of books or in the stories of other people.
Forms of visions, completely unique for each person, born of his fantasy, are also possible.