What Roses Are Missing

What Roses Are Missing
What Roses Are Missing

Each grower has his own experience in caring for roses. It happens that the absence of one trace element in the diet can cause chlorosis of the leaves or the fall of the ovary of the buds. The support provided in time will help save the plants from suffering and again enjoy the long-awaited flowering.

What roses are missing
What roses are missing

The main signs of determining the lack of nutrition in roses by leaves:

  • Light green color and yellowing of leaves, small leaves are an indicator of insufficient nitrogen.
  • Dark green leaves, with bluish tints, the appearance of red-purple tones in the leaves - there is not enough phosphorus.
  • The leaves curl downward along the edges, wrinkling, yellowing appears, then browning and dying off of the edges of the leaf plate - there is little potassium.
  • The leaves are pale green, but do not die off - lack of sulfur.
  • Changing the green color of the leaves to yellowish, red, purple at the edges and between the veins - there is not enough magnesium.
  • Curling, shedding, marbling and whitishness of leaves, dying off of flower buds - lack of calcium.
  • The appearance of a pale and yellowish uniform color between leaf veins without tissue death - the plant does not receive enough iron.
  • Plants do not bloom, flower buds die off, ovaries fall off - very little boron.
  • The tips of the leaves become light and chlorosis appears - not enough copper.

In order for the pink beauties to feel great and give a lush flowering, it is necessary to alternate fertilizing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, the latter should contain trace elements. During the summer season, foliar liquid mineral dressings with microelements will be beneficial.
