Since ancient times, mice and rats have caused harm to people of varying severity: they ate food, ruined crops, spoiled things. In the Middle Ages, invasions of mice and rats generally foreshadowed an epidemic of the plague. Time passed - nothing has changed. All this, of course, was reflected in various dream books.

Why is the mouse dreaming? Miller's dream book
According to Gustav Miller's dream book, seeing a mouse in a dream is a sign of domestic quarrels and insincerity on the part of close friends. In addition, things at work or in personal business can be discouraging. If a young woman sees a rodent in a dream, this is a warning: in reality, secret envious people revolve around this woman, ready to strike at any convenient moment. Perhaps they are plotting a grandiose deception!
If a woman in a dream sees a mouse sitting on her dress, this is an omen of an impending scandal with her participation in the title role. If the dreamer sees how he is killing a rodent, in real life he will be able to defeat his envious and ill-wishers. Allowing the mouse to run away in a dream is an empty struggle that will not bring any significant results.
Why do mice dream about Hasse's dream book
Catching mice in a dream - to luck and to the realization of the most cherished plans. If you dreamed about white mice, a successful marriage is coming. If the dreamer hears a mouse squeak, in reality he risks being robbed. Whole hordes of mice, dreamed of by a person, promise the onset of difficult times in his life.
Mice in a dream. Old English dream book
According to the compilers of this dream book, mice in a dream symbolize enemies, idle talkers and slanderers. In addition, this dream can serve as a harbinger of unsuccessful entrepreneurship and financial difficulties. There are many rodents in a dream - to an unsuccessful marriage and to problems with raising children.
Gypsy dream book: why do mice dream?
According to these interpreters, mice in a dream are the personification of all sorts of minor troubles. Fearing mice in a dream means waking up feeling confused for one reason or another. If the dreamer caught a rodent, in real life, on the contrary, he is unable to stand up for himself. To dream of a rodent trapped in a trap, to engaging in unpleasant things in reality.
Mouse according to Juno's dream book
Some interpreters give optimistic forecasts for this dream. The dreamed little mouse speaks of the dreamer's sentimental attitude towards one of his acquaintances. Moreover, rodents in a dream, according to Juno's dream book, promise overcoming many obstacles, and also portend happiness and even good luck in business. A white mouse in a dream is also a good sign: to catch it is to defeat your enemies. If you dreamed of a mouse running away from a cat, in reality you can witness some events.