Recently, orchids have gained particular interest and popularity. Until recently, amateur flower growers only dreamed of them, but today they have become a fairly common plant in homes and winter gardens. Orchids are among the capricious plants and require not only proper care for them, but even a specially selected pot. The orchid pot should be specially designed and made (preferably) of a transparent material.

In this case, the very type of material does not matter. Most often, experts recommend using ceramic or plastic flower pots for growing orchids. They differ from ordinary orchid pots in a large number of drainage holes, which are located not only in the bottom, but also at the bottom of the side surfaces. In terms of shape, a round or rectangular pot would be ideal. It is not worth stopping your choice on a pot for orchids, tapering downward, as the narrow part "constrains" the full development of the root system. Simply put, in a narrowed pot, the root system will be uncomfortable due to excessive compression.
Plastic Orchid Pots

Plastic orchid pots have several advantages over ceramic and glass pots. In such pots, it is quite simple to make holes of different length and height in the form of perforated cones facing inward. This design feature will promote better moisture penetration and retention and will significantly improve soil ventilation. In addition, often plastic pots have a ribbed bottom and special legs on it to improve drainage efficiency.
Ceramic pots for orchids

These products are equipped with additional drain holes in the bottom and ventilation holes in the side walls to improve moisture accumulation and ventilation. The disadvantages of ceramic pots include their opacity, which is essential for orchids.
Glass pots for orchids

Orchids differ from all indoor plants in that not only the terrestrial (deciduous and floral parts), but also the root system are involved in the process of photosynthesis. That is why it is recommended for them to use transparent pots to ensure maximum light penetration. Glass pots, in comparison with pots for orchids made from other materials, allow you to visually monitor the process of plant development and take timely measures to eliminate uncomfortable conditions for it. They are able to create maximum conditions for the penetration of the required light flux. In their design, glass pots have a convex bottom, additional holes on the side and a special hole for water drainage. In this case, the glass can be either matte or completely transparent.
Since orchids are air-loving plants, hanging pots are recommended for growing. They will provide maximum air penetration not only from the top, but also from the bottom.