It is important to choose the right pot for growing orchids at home. How not to make a mistake and choose the best option.

Orchids have become popular in our homes relatively recently, but have already firmly won a worthy place among other indoor plants. The exquisite beauty of exotic plants from tropical forests attracts both amateurs and professional florists.
In nature, there are thousands of varieties, with a very small part adapted to the soil, since basically these plants prefer to cling to the roots of tree trunks (epiphytes) and do without soil at all on rocky ledges (lithophytes). Such plants absorb moisture from the environment. They are nourished by moist bark and moss. The roots of the plant are thick, long, and have a spongy top layer that absorbs moisture and nutrients. Therefore, when purchasing phalaenopsis home, keep in mind that the orchid pot will differ from other, familiar flower pots in size, shape and filler (substrate). Orchid pots are filled mainly with specially treated pine bark and moss. Such a substrate does not retain too much water, but after being saturated with moisture, it gradually gives it to the plant.

A special approach to these thermophilic plants is due to their "way of life" in nature and certain needs for growth and long, abundant flowering. Exotic beauties are most often grown on windowsills, taking into account the temperature regime, lighting and choosing the right container. A hanging orchid planter is also an option, subject to all other requirements.
Professionals know almost everything about these plants, and novice hobbyists have one of the first problems: how to choose a pot for orchids. In specialized stores, the buyer will be offered many options for pots and pots. The difference will be in the material from which they are made, size, price, manufacturer. The shape, material and size of the pot play an important role in the selection. It is important that there are drainage holes in the bottom and in the bottom, or the ability to make them yourself. For the convenience of monitoring the state of the root system, it is better to choose a transparent container.

How to choose an orchid pot
Orchid pots can be made from different materials, but they should all provide:
· Good drainage, since epiphytes and lithophytes, which, among other things, include phalaenopsis, do not tolerate excess moisture and can die with waterlogging;
· Safety when removing the plant from the pot. The orchid has a voluminous root system, the rhizomes are long and juicy. If handled carelessly, they can be easily damaged, which will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the plant and even death;
· Active air circulation for roots and substrate in the pot. In the absence of aeration, the roots can rot and the plant will die;
· The comfortable temperature regime for the orchid is different and depends on the species. Heat-loving people prefer at least 18 degrees, but not higher than 32. For lovers of average temperatures 18-22, and the maximum at night is from +12 to +15 degrees;
So, the basic needs of all types of orchids and phalaenopsis, including, can be called light (without direct sunlight), air (clean, humid, dust-free), warmth, a moderately moist substrate and a correct vessel. Bright sunlight can burn delicate leaves and lead to leaf dehydration and plant death.
The right pots for orchids
The health of the plant and the ability for luxurious flowering, for which orchids are bought, depends on the correctly chosen pot. The right pot is a comfortable pot for the plant. On sale there are plastic, ceramic, clay, glass containers, wicker baskets, transparent and opaque, with automatic watering and an additional phyto-lighting function, classic shape and beautiful design, large and small, with and without drainage holes. The size of the pot is determined based on the size of the roots. An orchid does not need a very loose pot. When the roots begin to actively go beyond the container, the phalaenopsis can be transplanted, but a new pot is chosen only 1 cm larger than the previous one. Examine the bottom carefully. The correct bottom has many drainage holes, if there are not enough of them, then you can make them yourself.
Increasingly, various devices and newfangled things for garden and indoor plants appear on sale. Orchids were also included in flower pot manufacturers. In a specialized store, you can buy a pot with an automatic watering function. Some growers use homemade inventions to automate the watering of certain types of orchids. Most often, plastic bottles are used, cut in a certain way. Such devices are convenient in use, and reduce the time for flower care. Simple settings are a definite advantage. You can safely go on vacation or a business trip and leave the flowers on auto-irrigation. Pots with additional phyto-lighting for orchids appeared on sale.
Plastic Orchid Pot
The most common and popular phalaenopsis pot is considered to be plastic, transparent, in the form of an expanding glass. These pots are of two types - with and without drainage holes. It is especially preferred by novice florists. Its advantages are obvious:
· Such a container is easy to operate, if necessary, you can easily increase the number of drainage holes in the bottom;
· In such a pot, the substrate dries out slowly and a slight greenhouse effect is created, salt does not accumulate after watering and feeding;
· Plastic pots maintain an optimal stable temperature of the substrate and roots without any problems, do not allow sudden temperature changes;
· Due to the transparency of the material, it is possible to control the condition of the roots, the moisture content of the soil;
· Light penetrates through the transparent walls of such a pot, which is also important, since the roots of most orchids participate in photosynthesis, thus receiving what is necessary for growth and development. Only a few varieties of this plant feel well in an opaque container, the rest need constant access of light to the root system;
· Affordable price, bright multi-colored plastic;
· And one more plus in favor of plastic. If the roots have sprouted through the drainage holes, which happens quite often, then the bottom can be cut without harming the plant;

There is still one drawback. Plastic is a very light and unstable material that can cause the orchid pot to tip over with the plant. When choosing, pay attention to the bottom, a wider one will provide better stability.
A plant from a store most often requires transplanting into a permanent container. Drainage holes are required! The pot cannot be used without them.
Clay pot for orchids
Such an orchid pot has its pros and cons:
· Natural "breathable", environmentally friendly material, the porosity of natural kaolin provides air permeability, and moisture is evenly distributed and prevents the roots from drying out. It is important not to put such pots near heating devices, in this case they quickly evaporate moisture, which harms the plant;
· Most often, a little rough clay is beautifully combined with a beautiful and sophisticated phalaenopsis, almost a natural tandem;
· Clay retains temperature for a long time, so it is better to choose light colors so that the roots do not overheat in summer;
· The porosity of natural clay can lead to the fact that the roots of the flower begin to grow into the walls of their own pot. To avoid this, choose an orchid pot with a glazed inner surface;
· It is not easy to choose a clay pot, it is worth remembering that not all types of orchids take root well without access to light to the root system;
· Bowls, pots and pots made of clay are heavier than plastic and much more stable;
· At a price significantly more expensive than plastic;
Ceramic pots for orchids
Ceramics is also clay (or clay substance), only with an admixture of mineral additives and firing under the influence of high temperatures. May serve as an alternative to pure clay. The price category of ceramic pots is above average. The price depends on the design, quality of staining and firing.
Ceramic orchid pots have almost the same properties as clay pots. They differ only in a more diverse design, this should be taken into account if you want to harmoniously fit this art object into your living space.

The structure of a ceramic pot is more porous than clay, and is better suited for providing air exchange to the roots of a flower, but at the same time there is a threat of root growth to the inner surface. This can lead to injury to the plant during transplantation, which leads to disease and even death of the orchid. When moisture evaporates through the pores, salts remain on the walls, which is also very harmful to the plant. Salts reduce porosity over time and destroy the vessel.
When choosing the right pot, consider not only design and beauty, but also the benefits and safety for phalaenopsis. In an earthenware and ceramic vessel, it is impossible to make additional holes on your own to drain excess water and better air access. In addition, ceramics and clay make it impossible to monitor the condition of the roots and substrate.
Today, only professionals can maintain a comfortable state of a plant in a clay or ceramic vessel. And most likely, in such a vessel, for a novice florist, the orchid will hurt.
Recently, manufacturers began to take into account the peculiarities of orchids and produce flowerpots and pots with special holes and glaze the inner surface of the pots. Such containers are much better suited for growing phalaenopsis at home.
Glass pots for orchids
A glass vessel is also a rather controversial option for planting an orchid. It looks stylish, it can be both cheap and very expensive, it all depends on the manufacturer. There are far fewer pluses than minuses.
On the one hand, the roots are clearly visible, they receive a lot of light, do not grow to the walls, but drainage, filtration and aeration of the roots are disturbed. Only very experienced growers will be able to prepare the right substrate and provide high-quality drainage to the roots in such a container. This will help to ensure air exchange and prevent rotting of the root system, the formation of condensation on the inner surface of the pot, the growth of algae on the walls and roots and, as a result, plant disease. Glass will help out only in case of low humidity in the room, it will help to keep this humidity.
On the other hand, in a glass flowerpot, the soil substrate will have to be changed up to three times a year, while in a plastic one once a year or even less often. Organize enhanced drainage. Finding the right size is also more difficult. Phalaenopsis loves moderate tightness, so it is very difficult to find a glass vessel of the required volume. Continuous watering control.

Observing all the rules, it is permissible to grow an orchid in glass, but you can pick up a beautiful glass planter for decorating a simple plastic pot. This will be a good compromise between beauty and comfort for the plant.
Wicker baskets for orchids
In a very original way, you can replace special pots for orchids with wicker baskets, flowerpots. This alternative, remarkable in many respects, is suitable mainly for epiphytes.
They are made from various natural and artificial materials. Bamboo, twigs, wood (in combination with plastic elements), wire, branches, coconut, bark are used.
Natural materials make it possible to bring the conditions of keeping the orchid as close as possible to natural:
· Protection against overheating and hypothermia;
· Maximum air exchange of the root system;
· Elimination of excess moisture (excellent drainage);
· When using bamboo, the roots of phalaenopsis do not grow to the container, since the surface of the bamboo is absolutely smooth, not porous;
· Environmental friendliness;
· Not traumatic for plants and humans;
· Very beautiful and aesthetic appearance of the vessel;
· Suitable for harmonious decoration of any interior;
· The ability to buy a ready-made pot or make it yourself from scrap materials, taking into account the size of the flower and your own taste;
When planting an orchid in a wicker basket, it must be borne in mind that you will have to water more often, since the substrate dries out faster in such a container. It is better to do this by immersion. Basically, wicker baskets are suitable for hybrid types. If the gaps between the twigs are noticeable, before planting the plant, close them with larger particles of moss or bark to avoid washing out and pouring out the substrate through the gaps. For better soil retention in the basket, a drainage fabric, for example, natural burlap, is stretched to the bottom. It will not allow water to stagnate and will perfectly retain the substrate.
If living space permits, then orchids can also be planted in hanging containers. The flower stalks can hang down beautifully from the pots, and not be crowded on the windowsill. In this version, the plant looks like in nature, more natural and very beautiful. Here, too, it is important to comply with the condition for ensuring air exchange, lighting and temperature conditions. The orchid does not like direct sunlight and drafts. A flower pot with a plant is placed in a planter, taking into account the distance between the walls of 1-2 cm.
The wicker basket has a drawback:
· Fragility, if it is made of natural materials;
The best location for the hanging planter is close to the window.
What size should an orchid pot be
If we figured out the material of the container for planting orchids, then the next important point is the size of the pot.
· The pot for the orchid should not be small, but not too loose, as this plant likes to be cramped, but at the same time the roots should all fit into the pot and not hang out;
· Usually the height of the pot is approximately equal to its diameter. If the plant is tall and the pot is not stable, falls over or sways, then it is better to place it in a pots;
· The volume of the pot is the volume of the roots with the lump of the substrate. This will be enough to comfort the plant and stimulate growth;
· If you have to transplant a plant for some reason, then you do not need to take a pot "for growth" with a large supply of volume, the new "house" should be only slightly wider, literally by 1-1.5 cm;
· Strongly unsuitable for an orchid pot with a neck that is narrower than the base. This form is very inconvenient, especially when transplanting. It is difficult to pull out the root system, but it is easy to break, damage;
· It is permissible to choose one container for planting several plants in it at once, but taking into account the total size of the roots and a sufficient volume of the substrate;
Making the mistake of choosing the right size for your orchid will have a bad effect on flowering.
Mini phalaenopsis also requires special attention. This species will perfectly take root in a glass pot, it loves high humidity and cramped conditions. For mini orchids, standard pots are too large, so you have to look well on the store shelves for a container that is suitable in size and quality. Any planter will be too big for this species. You can also choose one pot for planting several mini phalaenopsis. Such an orchid should grow in a transparent container, its roots are also involved in photosynthesis.

DIY orchid pot
With all the variety of flower pots on store shelves, you always want something special, individual and unique. If you apply creativity and imagination, then it is quite possible to create a do-it-yourself orchid pot. The main thing is to take into account the needs of the plant. This usually does not require a lot of time and expensive materials. More often improvised means are used.
If you master the technique of weaving baskets, then you can make a basket, pot or pots from bark, twigs or even bamboo. In the absence of weaving skills, it is quite possible to decorate the base (a pot or plastic container bought in a store) to your liking. Natural and artificial materials will fit here. Choose the size and material of the pot, and the rest will be done by imagination. Literally everything is suitable for decor. Multicolored buttons, shells, beads, foil, colored ribbons, colored corrugated paper, bows, colored stones and glass, twigs, bark, decorative figures and much more! All elements are perfectly attached to plastic and ceramics using super glue. Clay pots with a uniform surface are painted with oil or acrylic paints. Painting in the style of a mandala looks luxurious. The correct approach to work will give excellent results. Vases and flower pots with a personal design will delight you with originality and style. You can do it yourself with a hanging planter for orchids or decorate the finished one with your own decor.
For large phalaenopsis, a round soft plastic food container of the right size is suitable. Decorate it to your liking, and many small orchids of different colors or monochrome will look great in the large rectangular one.
Don't forget the drainage holes in the bottom of the container. They can be made with a drill or with a hot end of a thick wire. The main thing is to follow the safety rules.
To distribute the roots correctly, place a plastic champagne stopper on the bottom of the pot. This will improve air exchange and prevent the roots from snuggling to the bottom, as this can lead to rotting of the root system.
Newbies are surprised why orchids are most often planted in pine bark with the addition of moss. The fact is that this combination of substrate components is as close as possible to the natural living conditions of orchids. Tree trunks covered with moss "home" for phalaenopsis. But do you need expanded clay pebbles in a pot for orchids? Better to add them to the bottom of the pot for good drainage.
The orchid is considered the most capricious house plant, but for high-quality care it can reward with luxurious flowering.
Do not forget to transplant, feed and change the soil to the orchids in time to ensure the growth and quality of flowering of the plants.