In principle, a composition of dry leaves and flowers is most likely a collage, but the name "painting" is more appropriate for such a work. Such paintings are always in a single copy, as they are assembled by hand. Creation of two identical pictures is excluded in principle.

It is necessary
- - leaves, flowers, twigs, grass
- - white cardboard
- - glue
- - frame or mat
Step 1
The main task is to collect leaves, flowers, twigs and herbs. This material is collected in spring, summer and autumn. This can be done everywhere - in yards, in front gardens, you do not need to be limited to the field and forest.
Step 2
The collected plants must be dried. The best option for this is old magazines or reference books, but their paper should not be glossy, but only porous and soft. The book must be well dried. The collected material is stacked between the sheets, while the sheets must be left between the tabs at least six. Something heavy, such as a brick or iron, is placed on a closed magazine or book.
Step 3
When the natural material is ready, you can start decorating the picture. Any postcard, painting or photograph that depicts flowers or a landscape is selected for a sample. You can create a sketch of a future painting yourself. In any case, there should be a sketch.
Step 4
All the details of the composition are located on the cardboard as shown in the photo or postcard. You should start work from the background. First, large leaves are superimposed, and then flowers and herbs. The composition is compiled in full, and then each detail is very carefully separated from the picture, smeared with glue and glued.
Step 5
A mat is glued to the cardboard of the finished composition.