The question of how to catch snakes is theoretical only until this curious living creature crawls into your garden, yard or house. This phenomenon is not so rare, especially in sparsely populated rural areas or in summer cottages.

It is necessary
Rag, gloves, stick, spear, hollow tube, long strong cord, box
Step 1
Take a rag. It is desirable that it was a thing made of thick fabric, for example, a piece of tarpaulin, a jacket, etc. This method is the simplest, but also the most dangerous. Therefore, you can use it only with the aim of catching a snake or a harmless copper snake. Throw a rag over the snake. The reptile will freeze for a few seconds, curled up in a ball. At this moment, you need to grab the snake and transfer it to a specially prepared container - a box with a lid, a jar. In this container, the snake can be taken out into the field or into the forest and released there.
Step 2
Prepare a spear stick 1.5 - 1.8 meters long. There should be a fork at the end of the stick. Take a spear in one hand, in the other - an ordinary stick or branch with foliage. Take a position to the side of the snake and drive in front of it with a stick or branch. The reptile will switch attention to it, and then it will be necessary to quickly press the snake's neck with a spear to the ground. It is advisable that someone else help you, because it is quite difficult to grab and transfer the snake to another place without letting go of the spear. Ask an assistant to grab the snake, pressed to the ground with a spear, by the upper part of the neck, resting the index finger on the base of the reptile's head. So the snake cannot bite.
Step 3
Take the hollow tube. Pass a sturdy cord folded in half inside the tube. You get a trap with a loop at one end and two ends of the cord at the other. Approach the snake with the pipe in hand and try to put the noose around the snake's neck. When you succeed, pull the cord so that the loop tightly wraps around the reptile's neck. This method allows you to cope with the snake alone, but only if you have a certain skill.
Step 4
Pick up a long stick. When distracting the snake's attention with this object, try grabbing its tail. If you succeed, do not forget to keep the reptile on an outstretched arm as far away from you as possible. Again, this method is only suitable if you are 100% sure that the snake is not venomous.