Why Do Snakes Dream

Why Do Snakes Dream
Why Do Snakes Dream

It is definitely not very pleasant to see snakes in a dream, but it is worth considering the situation from a slightly different angle. Such a dream, in which the snake is the key plot, can portend many good changes.

Why do snakes dream
Why do snakes dream

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, calmness, cold mind. What can such a dream mean, what to expect after seeing this sign? One of the dream books claims that seeing snakes in a dream means feeling aggression or being overtaken by the insidious intrigues of enemies. For women, such a dream can portend a struggle for survival in a team, impending troubles or remorse for some kind of perfect deed. A large number of small snakes can mean a warm welcome to people who slander and slander behind their backs. If a large snake is peacefully curled up in a ring, the enemy is waiting for the right moment to start plotting. Having seen such a dream, you should be on your guard and be on the lookout to avoid possible troubles.

Why does a woman see a snake in a dream

A woman who has a dream in which the snake was dead should be careful in friendship - perhaps hypocrisy on the part of a close friend. If snakes bit someone familiar in a dream, it means that the person himself can offend a loved one without realizing it. To kill snakes in a dream means that all available methods will be used to achieve the desired result, victory in this case is practically in the hands. The folk dream book claims that the snake is a very complex symbol. Seeing him means, on the one hand, that one should beware of enemies, on the other, it can be the personification of wisdom and poise. For a woman, it can also indicate a rival who is nearby, and perhaps, for the time being, does not betray herself.

Interpretations of different dream books

According to Aesop's dream book, there are several interpretations of what snakes dream of. One of the common explanations is the foreshadowing of a new life. This prediction is explained by the ability of the snake to renew its skin, shedding the old one. And also do not forget that snakes are distinguished by longevity and therefore portend a long healthy life. If someone close to you suffers from an ailment, then this symbol can predetermine the speedy deliverance from illness and the acquisition of balance. But if you happen to see a snake basking in the sun, this means that in reality someone dishonest is actively enjoying trust. Water snakes seen in a dream can mean that in life a person will soon feel the influence of a very strong person. The playing snake is a symbol of intertwining passions, love experiences, ambiguous situations.

A person who sees a snake in a dream should not immediately get scared and give unpleasant meanings to his dream. Better to focus on the good omens - new life, healing, overcoming adversity. After all, you should never forget that a positive attitude and good thoughts can help you cope with negative moments.
