The Far Eastern schooling semi-anadromous fish, the pelengas, was successfully acclimatized in the Black and Azov Seas in the last century. It hibernates in rivers and estuaries, and in spring reappears at the coast. This fish can reach a weight of 4 kg, its meat is tasty and boneless, so for fishermen it is a desirable and not very difficult catch.

Step 1
Pelengas prefers shallow desalinated areas, so it can often be found in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, on the Anapa bank and in Azov. It feeds mainly on benthos, but its favorite food is the polychaete marine worm - nereis, which can be found in the mud of estuaries. During the flowering of white acacia, on the smooth sea surface, you can see how hundreds of fish mouths grab the pollen lying on the water.
Step 2
If you managed to dig up a sea worm that looks like a crushed centipede, then you need to string it on the hook, pulling it along the body, leaving the tip of the worm 1 cm long free. However, an ordinary earthworm will do, better than a dim, dark color.
Step 3
The pelengas is caught mainly with bottom tackle, sometimes with a spinning rod. When fishing from the bank, long casting is required, so use a long rod 3-4 meters and test up to 100 g. Use large domestic hooks No. 6-9 or Gamakatsu F / 7 No. 4-6 with a long forearm. The stronger the line, the better. Use a strong line 0.4-0.6 mm thick or braided thread with a diameter of 0, 12-0, 14, it practically does not stretch.
Step 4
Place 2 pieces of eyeliner 10-20 cm long so that when folded they do not touch each other. For insertion, it is better to use a line with a thickness of 0.25-0.35 mm and a length of 50-70 cm. Attach it to a carabiner with a swivel. In order not to break the rod, check before casting that there is no overlap behind its top.
Step 5
This fish bites all day long, but best of all in the predawn hours and from 6 to 8 hours. The bite is fast and the float immediately goes under the water. It must be hooked quite sharply and wide, therefore it is important that the lines and hooks withstand the manifestation of the fighting qualities of this strong and beautiful fish. Pull her out until she gets tired. But even when you bring the fish to the shore, you can see its powerful exits on the tail and feel strong jerks from side to side.