How To Use The "dream Catcher" Correctly

How To Use The "dream Catcher" Correctly
How To Use The "dream Catcher" Correctly

Amulets and charms, as a rule, are designed to protect and protect their owners from various kinds of negative influences. It is quite another matter - such a mysterious, but undoubtedly very popular all over the world amulet called "Dreamcatcher".

Dream Catcher
Dream Catcher

Dreamcatcher - history of origin

Now it is already quite difficult to find out for certain the history and the exact date of the appearance of this amulet. However, there are many different legends and versions on this score, one of which leads to the origins of the lost civilizations of the American Indians.

"Dream Catcher" or "Dream Catcher", as it is also called, was very popular among the aborigines of Eastern Siberia and the North, and was also used by the indigenous people of the New World. In appearance and shape, the amulet looked more like a sieve, because had a rounded frame through which threads were wound. Intertwining, they created bizarre patterns that carried a certain semantic load.

Due to its wide popularity among different peoples and generations, the value of the amulet, as well as its appearance, can differ significantly from each other. Consider the two most popular and demanded species in modern life.

If we talk about the Dream Catcher of North American Indians, it is obvious that he performs the function of some kind of amulet, attracting both "evil" and "good" dream spirits. At the same time, "evil" spirits get stuck in the web, dying with the first rays of the morning sun, and "good" spirits are passed to the sleeping person by means of feathers, bringing with them only good and rainbow dreams.

The indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia interpret the action of this amulet in their own way, using it mainly in shamanic practices. Their interpretation is as close as possible to the name of the amulet itself. There the spirits are not divided into positive and negative, but get entangled in the amulet's fur, then flowing down to the sleeping shaman in the form of dynamic images. This gives the shaman a certain strength and allows him to independently cope with the "evil" spirits with which he fights in a dream.

Making a Dream Catcher

It is believed that the amulet will "work" only if it is made by hand using only natural materials. It is also necessary to understand that the Dreamcatcher is created in the form of a circle in the image and likeness of the Sun traveling through the sky. And the circle that he personifies is a symbol of infinity.

For the manufacture of the frame, a thin willow rod is most often used. It can also be replaced with any other base, such as a metal rim. We form a circle from the rod and begin to wrap it with thread clockwise, without using the fastening knots either at the beginning or at the end of the weaving.

After you finish braiding the circle, start making the web. Do not be discouraged if you do not get it very evenly and asymmetrically, the main thing is the mood with which you make the amulet, as well as the correctly selected materials. During weaving, it is recommended to use prayers or conspiracies and think only of the good.

During the weaving process, you can also use additional decorative elements, such as beads.

When the hoop with the cobweb is ready, you will need to tie the prepared feathers on the threads from below. This is a very important design element, and their choice must be taken very seriously. Ideally, for a woman's amulet it should be owl feathers, for a man's - eagle's feathers. However, not everyone has such an opportunity to get these particular feathers, so it can be the feathers of any other, at the same time, a live bird.

Using the Dream Catcher

In order for you to dream only rainbow and bright dreams, you need to place the amulet correctly. Most often it is recommended to hang it at the head of the bed, but it will be just as effective when placed in the center of the room. There he will catch "evil" spirits, not letting them into your dreams. The main thing is not to hang it on the wall, since the Dreamcatcher should be easily blown from all sides.

However, it should be remembered that it does not need to be cleaned under any circumstances. The amulet cleans itself with the appearance of the first rays of the sun, thereby killing its captives. But occasionally it will not hurt to ventilate it, so that house drafts will not harm your Catcher.
