Buttons Of Happiness: Where And How They Need To Be Sewn

Buttons Of Happiness: Where And How They Need To Be Sewn
Buttons Of Happiness: Where And How They Need To Be Sewn

Ancient sorcerers and shamans, using buttons with four holes, could ward off evil spirits and attract good luck. It was believed that a button, or a coin with holes, sewn in a special way, could influence fate, changing it for the better.

Happiness buttons
Happiness buttons

If you still do not know how to properly sew on the buttons of happiness, then it is best to use a special scheme. Pass a needle and thread through the holes of the button, after selecting the pattern you need. The stitch pattern on each button is a runic symbol that carries a specific meaning.


A scheme in the form of the letter "I" is suitable for creative people. A button of happiness sewn in this way will attract new ideas to life and give inspiration.

If you sew on a button with square stitches, it will help relieve stress, restore strength, and balance energy.

Those who have already met their love and want to strengthen their relationship should sew on the button of happiness in a special way - with a cross, and then enclose this cross in a square.

Well, for those who have not yet met their other half, you need to sew on a button with a cross, and then connect the upper and lower holes with horizontal stitches to get an hourglass-like figure.

To attract material well-being into your life, you need to sew on a button so that the stitches form a figure resembling a bow (like an "hourglass", only in the horizontal direction).

To attract good luck, you need to sew on the button of happiness with stitches in the shape of the letter Z. Sew on the buttons tightly so that their effect is stronger.

If you decide to make buttons of happiness, and you don’t know where to sew them, feel free to attach them to the inside of the clothes that you most often wear.