Box And Photo Frame Made Of Buttons

Box And Photo Frame Made Of Buttons
Box And Photo Frame Made Of Buttons

Never throw out old items with buttons. Be sure to cut off all the buttons to one and put them in a box, because you can make many different crafts from buttons that will perfectly fit into the interior.

Box and photo frame made of buttons
Box and photo frame made of buttons

Let's take a look at how to decorate a frame with buttons. And we will make a box from a cardboard box in a set for a frame and a cardboard vase, which I described in the previous article.

Buttoned frame

In order to decorate the frame with buttons, you can take a ready-made wooden or plastic frame, but it is more interesting to make it yourself. For this craft, you will need: thick hard cardboard for the base, fabric or colored paper, buttons, glue.

Making a frame:

1. Measure your photo or picture, which will be in a homemade frame. Cut out a blank frame from cardboard so that the width of the frame is at least 3-4 cm (as much as possible).

2. Cover the cardboard frame with cloth or paper and glue.

3. Glue the buttons on top of the frame in random order.

Box, decorated with buttons, made from a cardboard box

In order to make such a box, you will need a small cardboard box (almost any will do - from a mug, small gadgets, etc.), cloth or colored paper and buttons for decoration, glue.

Making the box:

1. Cover the box with cloth or colored paper. To make the box neatly, after decorating the outside, glue colored paper inside and out.

2. Decorate the box with buttons - glue them in random order or lay out any pattern with small buttons.

Useful advice: in addition to buttons in the decor of the frame and box, you should use beads, sequins, beads, lace, in general, everything that fits the invented design of crafts.