A very beautiful Christmas tree from a ribbon can be made in different ways. For example, such a panel or postcard. Making such a craft is simple, it is done quickly and requires a minimum of materials.

To create a card with a Christmas tree from a ribbon, you will need a piece of thick and thin white or colored cardboard, a satin green ribbon, red buttons of various shapes.
Zigzag the tape over the cardboard. Glue with hot glue or Moment-Universal glue each layer of the ribbon in the middle, as you can see in the photo. Do not forget that the beginning and end of the ribbon must be tucked up and also glued.

After completing the Christmas tree, glue buttons on it - Christmas tree decorations. Write warm wishes on the card. Such a postcard will delight relatives and friends much more than usual, with ready-made words, which you just need to subscribe to.

Exactly with the same Christmas tree, you can make a New Year's panel on the wall. But as a basis, it is better to choose not just ordinary cardboard, but a material with a more interesting texture. Scrapbooking paper with light and light patterns in the form of snowflakes, for example, is perfect. Such paper will need to be glued to cardboard and then a Christmas tree made of tape on it. You can also stick the Christmas tree on the fabric of a deliberately rough texture (linen fabric, matting will do). You will also need to glue the cardboard base with a cloth and only then lay out the Christmas tree from the tape on it. By the way, in this case, the buttons can be sewn on. Also use beads of different colors, beads, sequins to decorate the panel.