From the very birth, Capricorn people are distinguished by special severity, during their life they often face obstacles, they are overcome by worries. Talisman stones can help them overcome difficulties. Considering that Capricorns belong to the signs of the earth, then they need the corresponding stones: green malachite, dark onyx and purple ruby.

Ruby is considered a talisman of happiness and love. By giving this stone to your beloved or beloved, you will strengthen your relationship and add fiery passion to them. There is a belief that this stone protects its owner from natural disasters, as well as from poisons, because, according to legend, the ruby changes its color next to poisoned food, thereby warning its owner of danger.
Onyx is a semi-precious stone and has a dark brown color. "Stone of the leaders" - so it was called in ancient times. This stone endowed its owner with power and a strong mind. For Capricorns, this stone will give strength and long life.
Malachite is highly valued by the inhabitants of the East for its unique properties. This stone increases fortitude and intelligence. In the Middle Ages, this stone was revered for its ability to treat rheumatism, protect from cholera and plague, and also alleviate women's diseases.
Astrologers advise you to choose one of these stones as a talisman, and then you will be able to achieve impressive success in life.