Nolik is the hero of the animated series "The Fixies". The animated series is based on the story "The Guarantor Men" (by Eduard Uspensky). The children immediately liked the fixes, because you can learn so much new things from each episode! Draw one of the main characters of "Fixies" - little Zero.
Step 1
First draw circles - outline the future head and torso of the fixie.
Step 2
Draw Zero's face.
Step 3
Give small shapes to Zero's body, draw in the arms.
Step 4
Draw the body of the zero. Don't forget the boots - detail them.
Step 5
Now erase all unnecessary elements of the circles with an eraser, draw a fixer suit, give the drawing a little darkening, or color the finished Nolik at your discretion. It's so easy to draw Zero from "Fixies" step by step!