Why Do You Dream About Excrement

Why Do You Dream About Excrement
Why Do You Dream About Excrement

It is believed that a person sees excrement in a dream only when in reality he is promised some financial profit. In principle, such an interpretation can be safely called a classic, because modern dream books offer other positive options for the development of events after watching such dreams.

This is for wealth
This is for wealth

In general, in a civilized society, it is not customary to talk about this out loud, but dreams, as they say, cannot be ordered. Some people dream about bunnies on the lawn, others dream about famous Hollywood heroes, and still others - human feces. It is worth considering the last dream in more detail.

Common Interpretation of Sleep with Human Feces

Classically, it is believed that the excrement that a person sees in his dream promises him an increase in his financial level. In other words, such dreams speak of well-being in the implementation of certain plans that will be associated with financial costs.

The most favorable dreams are those in which feces are visible in nature, on a farm, in the countryside. It is especially good if villagers see such dreams. This tells them that the year promises to be fruitful. In addition, it is manure that is considered the best fertilizer for the soil.

Why dream about excrement according to Miller's dream book

An American psychologist named Gustav Hindman Miller claims that human feces are dreamed exclusively for good events. According to him, dreams in which a person contemplates his own feces promise him material profit, a considerable inheritance, and monetary income.

If a woman dreamed of baby excrement, then soon she will become pregnant. Men who see feces in a dream, in the long run, can take a solid position in society, as well as move up the career ladder. If an elderly gardener dreamed of stool, then a rich harvest is not far off.

If in a dream you get dirty profusely in your own feces, then in reality you can get solidly rich. Shaking off your own feces - to get rid of annoying problems.

What Sigmund Freud says about it

The cult psychologist of all times and peoples Sigmund Freud associates dreamed human feces with a dirty and dissolute life. In such dreams, he does not see anything positive. Freud believes that such pictures are a warning: it is possible that in reality some people are delving into the dreamer's "dirty linen". In this case, he needs to be very careful in dealing with unfamiliar interlocutors.

Sigmund Freud does not exclude the possibility that latent pedophiles dream of children's feces. In this case, the psychologist encourages you to take your life seriously, think about its meaning and, if necessary, turn to a psychologist for help.

Family dream book

In general, feces, according to this dream book, speak of the maximum concentration of a certain experience in one of the areas of the dreamer's life. If the feces are liquid, then some material problems are not far off. To consider your own excrement in a dream is to respect from others.