How To Make A Long Casting Rod

How To Make A Long Casting Rod
How To Make A Long Casting Rod

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Many fishing enthusiasts prefer to use long casting rods. In order for this activity to bring only pleasure and a good catch, it is necessary to properly prepare the fishing rod, as well as be patient, since such a tackle will require time and effort for serious development.

How to make a long casting rod
How to make a long casting rod


Step 1

This tackle includes several parts: a rod, a main line, a reel, a bob, a float, a leash with a hook and stoppers. Use a relatively short rod, from 3.6 to 4.1 meters in length. If you choose a shorter rod length, you will not be able to make the necessary long casting with light tackle. A suitable rod should have a lot of flexibility at the top, and at the same time be very stiff in the lower and middle sections, so you can cast light rigs even in windy conditions. To evenly distribute the load on the rod, you need 10 to 16 high-quality rings. As a rule, such a rod consists of three legs, and has a plug structure.

Step 2

When choosing a coil, pay attention to the “Match” label. These bobbins have a lightweight and elongated bobbin with a convex drum. A large number of bearings (up to 11) ensures good smooth running and reliability. But keep in mind that each casting of the rod will take away the strength of the hands. For non-professional fishing, 5 bearings in a reel will be enough.

Step 3

For recreational fishing, use a line with a thickness of 0.14 to 0.18 mm. Roll about 60-80 meters of scaffold onto the reel. It is important that the wound wood does not reach the edge of the spool about 1-2 mm. If there are fewer forests, you will not be able to throw far, and if there are more, there will be endless beards. Use only quality woods.

Step 4

For long distance casting use a sliding float you can spot even from a distance of 60 meters. At the bottom of the float there is a metal keel screwed into a threaded tube. You can add an extra load here. If necessary, you can change the float to a lighter or heavier one without removing the weight from the line, thanks to the location of the hole in the keel under the forest. In other words, simply unscrew the float from the keel and screw on the other.

Step 5

Carry out loading using a few lead pellets. Load the line 2-4 cm below the float. For catching predatory fish, use a leash additionally. To do this, use a thicker line, metal line, or monofilament line with high strength. main line under the float and weight. Tie a hook to the leash. The Sliding Float Stopper is a bottom stopper pellet, a stopper assembly and a sliding bead.
