Long-distance casting with a sliding float is used as a fishing technique in cases where there is no opportunity to bait fish near the shore. With this type of fishing, the standard tackle cannot provide its reach. Therefore, appropriate long casting rods with a float successfully solve this problem.

Long casting with a sliding float is often used for catching large fish that requires a smooth line bleed. In this case, the following equipment is required: a leash with a hook, a stopper, a fishing line, a load, a float, a reel and a rod. It should be remembered that the casting distance and, as a consequence, the optimum fishing performance is greatly influenced by the weight of the rod and rig.
In addition, sliding floats have significant differences from traditional counterparts, which is expressed in their greater length (up to forty centimeters) and torpedo-like shape. This allows it to remain visible over long distances for the fisherman and invisible to the fish. Plus, the elongated shape of the sliding float has the necessary aerodynamic characteristics when flying over significant distances (up to eighty meters).
Features of the rig
Correctly selected equipment will turn fishing into a wonderful pastime, which will be accompanied by a decent catch.

The selection of weights should be guided by the presence of a current. In calm water, it is preferable to use one sinker, and in a fast current in a reservoir, a series of weights should be used, alternately arranged in order to reduce the weight in the direction of the hook. The main sinker at the top is a stopper, on top of it cushioning in the form of a polymer or rubber tube should be used.
The line selection depends directly on the length of the cast and the type of fish. It is important to remember that the main part of the line should be thicker than the leash. And through the body of the float, it must be threaded through a separate channel (with a strong current) or through a wire eyelet. The recommended line thickness for match fishing is 0.18-0.20 mm in diameter.
The use of the swivel is determined by the prevention of line twisting that occurs due to the rapid rotation of the swivel. The size of the swivel should not affect the effectiveness of the bait, so it is better to use their smaller versions.
The selection of reels affects the quality and speed of twisting of the rig, which is fixed with metal hooks with elastic bands. The fishing line with weights is wound on the reel, to which the hook is attached. And a hook with an elastic band, threaded into the swivel, holds the entire tackle, the characteristics of which are marked on the side of the reel.
The selection of stops allows you to optimally fix the float on the line when lowering the rig. The stopper should easily pass through the rings of the rod and firmly hold on to the line, as well as clearly record the amount of release of the rig. As a rule, stoppers are made of rubber or strong threads.
The selection of a rod for long-range fishing implies its length from 3.6 m to 4.5 m. The main qualities of a rod are its strength and light weight. And structurally, the rod should consist of 4-6 parts with knees, which retain sufficient rigidity on all parts except for the bending top. The handle must be made of a porous material (rubber or cork).
Reel selection should take into account a compact, bulging reel and a light, elongated spool. Ideally, the 'Match' reel can be used to accommodate thin lines. Here it is important to choose the most optimal option that could match the smooth running and low weight of the product, which depends on the number of bearings used in it.
The selection of floats should take into account the casting distance and water flow. The option of their application depends on this: with one attachment point or a fully fixed float. In addition, fishing at various casting distances should be accompanied by floats with replaceable antennas that adjust their size.
Collecting float tackle
Successful fishing depends on the correct collection of float gear. The most important part of fishing rod equipment is the sinker. Sliding rigs involve the use of weights at a short distance from the leash, while the fixed version should be located closer to the float.
It is recommended to use metal shot of various shapes as sinkers. And the weight of the sinker should correspond to the diameter of the line used. Shot of different sizes should be placed from top to bottom in order of decreasing weight, since the heaviest part of the lead will push the rig to the bottom, and small fragments of the lead will act as a stabilizer for the hooked leader.

The leash is attached to the line with special carabiners. And the prevention of line tangling during long casting is carried out by protective clips that secure the hooks with bait. The “cross-lock” clasp is fixed on a 75 cm long line. Above, a clip is attached, and then a bead follows. Then the crimp sleeve is fixed, on top of which the next bead is installed. The next step is to thread the line through the eye of the swivel and pass it through the last bead. The free edge of the fishing line is attached with an additional swivel, and a leash 60 cm long with a hook at the end is attached to the eye on the first swivel.
Choosing a float for long casting
A torpedo-shaped float for long-distance casting structurally consists of an arrow-shaped fragment (20-50 cm) and a thickened part (2-10 cm). The fixed type of sliding floats must weigh at least three grams and are equipped with a plastic or metal keel and a thickened antenna.
An important detail when fishing with a long casting with a sliding float is the sinking of the line when fishing in a pond with a quiet water flow.

Compared to traditional models, sliding floats have a number of significant advantages, which are as follows:
- a small load on a leash will not be visible to fish, which is possible only when using a shipped float;
- the possibility of fishing in specific conditions behind the edge of the reeds, where large fish species are found;
- fairly quick change of float and sinkers;
- increased sensitivity of fish biting;
- precise and long-distance casting of gear with a fixed center of gravity;
- minimal chances of wind influence on line flooding;
- the sinker allows the bait to lie securely at the bottom of the reservoir.
The significant disadvantages of this type of fishing include a decrease in accuracy and casting distance in strong winds, as well as when fishing "hold" the float, as a rule, sinks.
Sliding floats for long casting are presented in three design versions (with one lug, with two lugs and with an axial hole in the center) and in three versions (elongated, oval and round). The choice of the design and shape of the sliding float depends on the intended fishing conditions (wind, current, rigging and casting distance).
Long casting technique
When casting a long distance with a sliding float, you should be guided by the same fishing technique as when using a spinning rod. In this case, the weight of the sinkers should be about a quarter of the weight of the rig, and most of the mass should be on the float. In this case, the conditions for a successful casting will be met, excluding the overlap of gear.

A one-meter distance from the top of the rod to the sliding float corresponds to the fisherman's optimal readiness for long casting. It is necessary to check the surrounding space for the absence of interference with the swing and flight of the gear. During the flight of the rig, after casting, the line should be adhered to with your fingers. And after the float enters the water, the bow on the spool closes, and the line begins to sink with the edge of the rod.
Subsequently, the bow should be opened by releasing the line. The float element must abut against the stopper with a clear fixation of the float on the water surface. After casting, it is necessary to reinforce the rod on a special stand so that its top is closest to the water's edge. By ensuring maximum line tension, the best bite sensitivity will be guaranteed.