The facial expression of an animal is often more interesting than a human face. Therefore, it is worth abandoning the usual full-length drawings of animals and depicting their portraits. Undoubtedly, the "face" of the horse will be a worthy object.

Step 1
Place the sheet of paper vertically. Divide it in half with the horizontal and vertical axes. With light strokes, mark the borders of the picture above, below and on the left - there should be free space between the borders of the sheet and the outlines of the animal.
Step 2
Determine the size of the horse's face in the picture. Make a preliminary sketch. The width of the horse's head at eye level is half the width of the entire leaf. Step back a few centimeters from the left edge and mark this size with a segment. For further constructions, this segment can be taken as a unit of measurement.
Step 3
Divide the drawn line into three equal parts. Put a dot on the border of the right third. Draw a line through it, tilted from the vertical axis by about 30 degrees. This is the center line dividing the horse's face into two halves (because of the angle, the left half is almost invisible in this photograph).
Step 4
From a horizontal line at eye level, mark up the vertical axis from the bridge of the horse's nose to the tips of its ears. It is equal to the segment taken as a unit of measurement. Measure down one and a half such segments - at this level is the lower lip of the animal.
Step 5
The lower part of the muzzle is 3/5 of the unit. From the tip of the muzzle up, measure a little less than a third of the entire length of the head to find where the harness straps join. Use rounded lines to mark the straps that wrap around the face. Divide the remaining distance to the crown in half and draw at this level for the horse's eyes. Mark the visible part of the second eye, in the drawing it will be located higher (lower left eyelid - at the level of the eyelashes of the right eye).
Step 6
Shape the horse's ears into an almond shape. Their height is the same, it is equal to the distance between the eyes. Make the horse's left ear narrower and position it slightly higher than the right.
Step 7
Use the eraser to remove the construction lines. Color the sketch with watercolors or sanguine. At the same time, make the protrusions on the horse's face lighter, and the recesses darkened. Color the right, lighted side of the muzzle in a warmer, lighter sepia tone than the left.