Jurassic Pet is a new fantasy film about the adventures of a teenage boy and a dinosaur. The premiere will take place in Russian cinemas on June 12, 2019.

"Pet of the Jurassic": released
Jurassic Pet is a fantastic adventure film directed by Ryan Bellhardt. Screenwriters - Chris Hoyt, Jerome Reiner-Kalfon, Sebastien Semon. The film stars: David Fletcher-Hall, Kyler Charles Beck, Ben Hall, Brooks Ryan, David C. Tam and other actors. The film was released worldwide on April 16, 2019. Russian viewers will be able to see the film on June 12, 2019.
Plot of the film
"Pet of the Jurassic" is a film with an original and captivating plot. This is an amazing story about a teenage boy named Chris, who fell into the hands of an unusual egg. At first, such a find caused bewilderment and the main character did not know what to do with it. Later, a small dinosaur hatched from the egg. Chris named him Albert and found out that the ancestors of the new friend lived in the Jurassic period.

The dinosaur began to grow rapidly and managed to find its owner. It was a scientist who decided to conduct a series of dangerous experiments with the participation of an animal. When it became clear that the dinosaur was in danger, Chris decided to snatch it from the hands of the mad scientist. He succeeded, but after a small victory, the boy was at a loss. He did not know where to hide Albert, how to feed him, how to keep him. Faithful friends came to the rescue, who agreed to help in this difficult matter.

Chris has to confront adults, because the dinosaur has attracted the attention of several other scientists who want to take DNA from this unusual creature. For them, Albert is just an object of research, but for Chris he has become a real friend. The adventures of a teenage boy and a dinosaur will not leave indifferent viewers who love science fiction.
Reviews of the film
"Pet of the Jurassic" has already been released worldwide, so reviews about it were able to be made by both professional critics and ordinary viewers. Opinions about the new motion picture were divided. Many viewers loved this kind-hearted adventure film, and most critics called it "weak."
The film is intended for family viewing. Children liked him, but adults may think that many scenes do not look convincing at all. At the same time, do not forget that the picture is fantastic. It was filmed by an aspiring director, stars of the first magnitude were not involved in the filming. Not all actors are recognizable. The film has a small budget, there are no modern special effects. Many films with the participation of dinosaurs were presented to the attention of the audience.
Jurassic Pet doesn't have the best graphics. Problems with an unnaturally drawn dinosaur are complemented by frankly weak filming. In the general scenes of people and a dinosaur, one does not feel the contact and presence of both in the frame. The audience noted that in some moments the main character stretches out his hands to his friend and at the same time it seems that he is stroking the air. Critics also had questions about acting. In a number of episodes, the actors behaved very detached even during dialogues with each other. For all these reasons, "Jurassic Pet" did not and most likely will not become a sensation in the world of cinema. But the film turned out to be interesting, positive, and therefore deserves attention.