How To Make A Beautiful Balloon Composition

How To Make A Beautiful Balloon Composition
How To Make A Beautiful Balloon Composition

Table of contents:


Many have seen and were delighted with the variety of beautiful compositions made from balloons. They decorate the premises at the holiday, make gifts and buy for children. It turns out that making such beauty with your own hands is quite simple.

How to make a beautiful balloon composition
How to make a beautiful balloon composition

It is necessary

Special balls with a small pump, decor, paper ribbons


Step 1

Naturally, to perform complex compositions and figures, a professional is still required. But to create some aerial masterpieces, excessive pretentiousness is not needed. No special training is required to create simple products.

Step 2

First, you need to learn how to tie a ball. You should abandon the usual threads. You need to learn how to tie the balls into a knot. In order to learn this method, several training sessions are required.

Step 3

Inflate the balloon to the size you need, then release a small amount of air from it. Then wrap the very edge of the ball around your index and middle fingers. You should get a kind of loop. Thread the remaining end of the ball into it and tighten onto a knot. The balls must be twisted in the same direction, while turning it around the axis two or three times.

Step 4

The flower is the most popular and widely used form in balloon compositions. To create it, you need four balls with a diameter of approximately 22 centimeters and one ball with a diameter of 12 centimeters. The balloons must be inflated and tied. Make sure that the larger balls are of equal size. Then the large balls are linked in pairs (petals). The two resulting pairs of balls lie on top of each other and twist in the middle. Thus, a base with 4 petals is obtained. After that, a small ball is tied in the center. The resulting flower can be decorated with paper ribbons and attached to the interior.

Step 5

Chandelier - the composition is a little more complex than a flower. However, in essence, this is the same flower, only with one more additional four of balls of a larger diameter. In order to make a chandelier, one more twisting structure is added to the base that turned out with the flower. The resulting fours can also be decorated with paper ribbons.

Step 6

The garland is used to decorate cornices, railings and stairs. You need 16 balls of 30 centimeters each, 28 - 22, 40 balls - 12 centimeters. All balls must be connected in fours, as described above. They are connected to each other using tape or fishing line. Then the balls are strung on the base, which is fixed. It is better to tie a weight to the base of the resulting standing decoration so that it is stable. And the balls are better tied together so that the composition does not fall apart. Thus, a kind of garland is formed.
