How To Make A Dymkovo Toy

How To Make A Dymkovo Toy
How To Make A Dymkovo Toy

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The Dymkovo toy is a folk craft famous all over the country, and the Dymkovo toys have long attracted attention and enjoyed the love of a wide variety of people, thanks to their originality, brightness and folk spirit. You, too, can learn to sculpt toys in this style with your own hands, creating new images, as well as copying traditional shapes.

How to make a Dymkovo toy
How to make a Dymkovo toy


Step 1

Use salted dough as a material for making toys - it is easy to make, plastic, and easy to process.

Step 2

First, make a base for the toy - roll a ball out of foil and shape it into a pointed skirt. Then roll out a flat round cake from the prepared salted dough and carefully cover the skirt blank with it. Take another cake and close the base of the skirt by molding the top and bottom of the salt dough together.

Step 3

Take another dough cake and form a second layer of a skirt out of it - this will make the figurine look more elegant. Roll two identical balls out of the dough and attach to the top of the cone protruding from the second skirt - you have formed the doll's torso and chest.

Step 4

Also roll up two larger balls, give them an oblong and volumetric shape, and then use a stick to draw lines on them that resemble folds of fabric. These details will be the sleeves of the dress - attach them to the sides of the torso.

Step 5

Roll out a new cake of dough, cut off the top edge to make a semicircle, and work the rounded edge of the cake with a special tool, giving it a jagged shape. Attach the resulting apron to the skirt.

Step 6

From a rectangular piece of dough, mold a corset and attach it around the torso over the chest. Use a stick to apply decorative indentations to the edges of the corset. Form the doll's narrow waist.

Step 7

Take a small round cake and cut a triangular piece out of it. The result is a headdress. Work the remaining round edge with a zigzag line. Blind two identical drops - future earrings.

Step 8

Make curls from small balls and attach them around the doll's face, and put on a hat on the curls. Stick earrings on the sides. Blind the doll's arms and attach them to the sleeves. Place the baby in the doll's hands. Bake the toy in the oven and paint it according to the traditional color scheme of the Dymkovo toy.
