Decorating Easter Eggs Using Corrugated Paper

Decorating Easter Eggs Using Corrugated Paper
Decorating Easter Eggs Using Corrugated Paper

It is very easy to decorate Easter eggs, and this method is also quick and suitable for children.

Decorating Easter eggs using corrugated paper
Decorating Easter eggs using corrugated paper

You will need corrugated craft paper in several different matching colors and glue, a piece of tape, and chicken eggs.

Work process

First, make a small hole in the egg and empty the contents of the egg into a bowl (you can use it to bake or fry the eggs), and gently rinse and dry the shell. While the shell is drying, cut strips of corrugated fabric (from half a meter long, 1 cm wide) and cut them into fringes. After the shell is dry, glue a loop from a narrow ribbon to the sharp end of the egg and start winding a paper strip. Grease the uncut edge of the paper strip with glue.

Helpful hint: alternate colors or décor in the same color as you wish and according to your individual taste.

By the way, in a similar way, you can make a decor using a ready-made fringe made of fabric or a ready-made narrow braid with flounces (you can find this in stores with goods for sewing and other needlework already with a flounce or sew a flounce from a narrow nylon ribbon yourself).

Helpful advice: you can also attach such a decor to double-sided tape, the strips of which must first be glued to the egg like meredians on a globe.

By the way, you can decorate wooden blanks for decoupage in the same way.
