How To Make African Beads From Polymer Clay

How To Make African Beads From Polymer Clay
How To Make African Beads From Polymer Clay

Ethnic jewelry in African style - bright, dynamic perfectly complements a monochromatic outfit, giving it an exotic look. Geometric patterns, pure rich colors and unusual shapes have made the African style very popular.

African beads
African beads

Color and shape

The African style is characterized by the use of warm natural shades. Bright blue, red, yellow, terracotta, green contrasting shade with black and white.

African beads can consist of round balls, triangles, colored cylinders made in the form of fangs. Using the plasticity of polymer clay, you can shape the beads into any shape.

Puff beads

Decide on the choice of color for your future jewelry. Keep in mind that color combinations are based on contrast, the use of white and black is mandatory.

Cut or break off a small piece of material from the polymer clay briquette. Knead the clay in your fingers, roll up a ball. On a special board or piece of glass, roll the ball into a thin cake using a smooth rolling pin.

When you have several layers of different colors in front of you, determine the order of the layers. Now lay the layers one on top of the other. Remember to tint the dark layers with white and the lighter ones with black.

Use a sharp utility knife or razor to carefully cut the edges. Then, depending on the chosen shape of the future beads, cut the blanks and fold them together. Then poke holes in them with a large needle or awl.

African millefiori

Mosaic beads are made from strips left over from the previous shapes. Twist the strips into a spiral and roll up the sausage. Cut small pieces from the sausage and form any shapes. You can make classic round beads.

Collect any remaining polymer clay scraps and roll into a ball, being careful not to mix the colors too much. Cut the ball into layers and design beads of various shapes.

You can also make a large cut and make a pendant out of it, which will become the centerpiece of the decoration. Do not forget to poke holes in the finished beads, otherwise after baking they will need to be drilled with a drill.

"Totem" beads

If you have metal buttons with interesting embossed patterns, they can be used as a stamp for polymer clay beads. Form a plastic bead of the same color. Gently press the button against the face of the bead. Punch a hole, being careful not to damage the print.

Baking beads

Each grade of polymer clay has a baking temperature recommendation. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully. You can bake flat beads on a refractory plate covered with parchment.

To avoid deformation of the round beads, string them on toothpicks through the holes for the thread and stick them into a ball rolled from foil. Remove the beads from the oven after cooling completely.

Assembling the decoration

String the beads randomly onto waxed cord, fishing line, or jewelry cable. If the length of the beads does not allow you to put the jewelry over your head, use special accessories.
