Cleaning the pipe is akin to relaxation - a soothing procedure that does not tolerate haste. Due to the fact that you need to clean and dry your pipe after each smoking, it is advisable to acquire several pipes - this will allow you to keep them all tidy and clean.

It is necessary
- - soft rags;
- - special brush;
- - ashtray with cork ledge;
- - special liquid for cleaning internal surfaces;
Step 1
How to clean a pipe - shake out the ashes. Immediately after you have smoked the pipe, it must be thoroughly cleaned. Shake the ash out of the tobacco chamber by lightly tapping the pipe against the ashtray. It should be borne in mind that you can knock out the pipe against a special protrusion of a cork or plastic pipe ashtray. Conventional ashtrays are not suitable for this purpose, as tapping the pipe against a hard surface can damage the pipe. This is especially true for fragile hemp pipes. In the absence of a special ashtray, the cooled smoking pipe can be knocked out on the palm.
Step 2
How to clean the pipe - disassemble the pipe. After shaking out the ash, wait for the pipe to cool completely. Otherwise, you may break the tube. The tube needs at least 1 hour to cool down. After the smoking pipe has cooled down completely, you can start disassembling the pipe. Gently unscrew the mouthpiece, remove the filter. If there is a cooler, it must also be removed from the tube. Clean the flue duct with a special awl or rod. The tobacco chamber is cleaned of ash particles using a special brush. There is a special tool for cleaning smoking pipes - "tee". It includes a special rammer for grinding tobacco in a bowl, a spoon for cleaning the chamber and a rod for punching the smoke channel of the smoking pipe. From time to time, it is advisable to clean the inner surfaces of the pipe using special liquids. This will remove the tar and tar that has accumulated on the side of the pipe. Sometimes wipe the outside of the pipe with a soft cloth.
Step 3
How to clean a pipe - drying The pipe must be thoroughly dried after each smoking and cleaning. Lay the disassembled tube on a clean cloth and leave to dry for at least 12 hours. Otherwise, the pipe will gurgle during smoking, in addition, drops of moisture with an unpleasant taste of concentrated nicotine can enter the oral cavity, significantly reducing the pleasure of smoking.