What Is The Difference Between Ritual Magic And The Highest Ceremonial

What Is The Difference Between Ritual Magic And The Highest Ceremonial
What Is The Difference Between Ritual Magic And The Highest Ceremonial

Ceremonial magic is the complex ancient art of controlling spirits through specific formulas and actions. It is a powerful art that requires a lot of study. Ritual magic is much simpler, it does not require such a baggage of knowledge and relies heavily on the personal experience of the magician.

What is the difference between ritual magic and the highest ceremonial
What is the difference between ritual magic and the highest ceremonial

History and essence of ceremonial magic

Ceremonial magic originated in Ancient Egypt. Here, the caste of priests engaged in magical experiments in order to get closer to understanding the matter of the Universe, controlling spirits and demons. The priests, in fact, usurped power over Egypt, making the pharaohs their puppets. In doing so, they deduced a number of formulas and magical actions that became the basis for later ceremonial magic.

Egyptian magicians have accumulated knowledge for centuries, carefully recording and preserving the experience of their predecessors. They performed complex rituals of the Mysteries, during which they summoned spirits and demons. Egyptian magicians created universal symbols and figures that are still used by modern psychics in delicate work.

A significant problem arose when the Romans came to Egypt, in those days the main Mysteries were given a false interpretation, which threw ceremonial magic back many centuries. At this time, many superstitions and signs appeared, some of which still exist. We can say that black magic in the modern sense arose just then.

In the Middle Ages, it was on the basis of the Egyptian magical system, which the Romans, albeit in a distorted form, brought to Europe, that a new magical system was created. A significant contribution to it was made by the Kabbalists, who dedicated their lives to ceremonial magic, based on the belief that the Holy Books directly encourage the practice of the occult.

Ritual magic does not require any serious training, it is based on personal experience.

All this led to the extreme complication of this type of magic. It is believed that a magician who wants to appeal to such forces must do so at a specific time (it depends on the purpose of the appeal), in strictly defined clothes, using formulations perfected for centuries, using sacred objects that can be passed down from generation to generation. The slightest mistake during the ceremony can lead to dire consequences and even the death of the magician.

It is believed that Hitler gathered a huge number of magicians, initiated into the secrets of ceremonial magic.

Ritual magic

Ritual, "low" magic is based on intuitive magical actions. In such magic, the main driving force is the magician's emotions. It can be both nurtured, long-suffering emotions, and a sudden emotional outburst. Ritual magic requires certain actions within the framework of fairly loose canons. In other words, the magician knows approximately what kind of actions he needs to perform in order to achieve the result, but the specific set of words and movements depends only on him. Ritual magic is aimed at solving conventionally everyday problems, as opposed to ceremonial.