Unrivaled and charming, charming and mind-blowing rock actress Paula Negri! Her life was like a Brazilian TV series - whirlwind romances, a brilliant career, meteoric ups and downs, overwhelming success and dull oblivion. Paula went through it all.

Childhood and youth
The date of birth of Paula Negri has long been shrouded in mystery. The actress herself claimed that she was born on December 31, 1899 at the turn of the century.
But, as it turned out later, it was just a beautiful fairy tale. In fact, she was born on January 3, 1897 in the small town of Lipno. Real name - Barbara Chalupets.
The family lived quite poorly, and when their father left them, they completely slipped into poverty.
At first, everyone believed that his father was exiled to Siberia. But a more realistic version is that he just ran away with his beloved and left the family.
When she was still very little, Barbara realized that she could only rely on herself.

A failed ballet star
The girl, whatever the cost, wanted to break into the light and get out of the position in which she found herself. Her idol at that time was the popular ballerina Matilda Kseshesinskaya. She was an example to follow and an icon to look up to.
Barbara decided to study ballet. At first, fortune favored her, everything turned out in the best way. The girl was considered a good student, the teachers praised her.
The trouble crept up from where it was not expected. Doctors diagnosed Barbara with tuberculosis. She had to return to Poland to start treatment. After recovering a little after her illness, Barbara immediately embarked on new achievements. She passed the exam at the Imperial Academy of Dramatic Art.
Success in cinema
In 1915, the girl took part in the film "Slave of Passions". After the release of the picture on the screens, she became the most popular actress of her time. After a little reflection, Barbara took on a creative pseudonym - Pola Negri.
At that time, many important events were taking place in the country: there was the First World War, times were not easy, but in spite of everything the cinema developed at an enormous pace. Paulie at that time was only 21 years old, but she had already managed to star in many films.
In 1918 she played one of the main roles in the film "Surrogates of Love". This threw firewood into the stove of the young actress's flaring popularity. In all film productions, Pauline invariably got the main roles.

"Sumurun", "Madame Dubarry", "Wild Cat", "Eyes of Mummy Ma" - everywhere the girl was in the center of events. But Nergi decided not to stop there.
The European framework became tight for her and she went to conquer Hollywood. And then luck did not change her. Studio "Paramount" has sheltered a young talent within its walls. In addition, the girl looked so impressive that they simply could not refuse her. Dark hair, bottomless brown eyes and unrivaled style made the actress inimitable. And everything would be fine, but sound films have replaced silent films. Prima has ceased to meet the new standards dictated by the times. The popularity quickly faded …
She was less and less met on the covers of magazines, and the main roles were already unattainable. For the actress, who had huge ambitions and creative plans for 10 years ahead, this was a real blow.

But she decided not to lose heart and try her luck in Germany. There she starred in several popular sound films, but this was not at all the same. The roles were secondary, and the success was not so overwhelming.
One of her ardent admirers at that time was Hitler.

He appreciated the talent of the actress and swallowed all the pictures that came out with her participation. Someone even hinted at their love affair, but this turned out to be only speculation.
Latest paintings
The surrounding reality at that time was distinguished by blatant hostility. Paulie had to emigrate from Germany to the United States because of her Jewish roots in her family. Jews in those years had a very hard time, they were driven and oppressed from everywhere.
After moving to the United States, Nergi starred in several more films that became the final ones in her creative career. Having thought it over and made an informed decision, Paula put an end to her film career. She moved to a small rural town, where she lived serenely and happily with her dear friend Margaret West.
Personal life
Despite her dizzying romances, Paula was still married twice. In 1919 she met the aristocrat Dombsky. Soon the young people decided to get married, and Paula became a countess. The actress was very flattered by this title. She took indescribable pleasure to be the wife of such a famous person, but their happiness was short-lived. Two years later, the couple went their separate ways. As it is fashionable to say now, they did not agree in character.
This was followed by a stormy and lengthy romance with Charlie Chaplin. Charlie was madly in love with the young actress. …

He admired her, raved, telling at every step what a wonderful future wife he had. But the wedding was not destined to take place. On the eve of the upcoming event, Paula dumped Charlie for the sake of actor Rudolph Valentino. Their romance seethed like Mexican passions. But they were torn apart by rock. Rudolph died of peritonitis, Negri's grief was genuine, but short-lived. A year later, she married Prince Serge Mdivani. But Serge turned out to be a real impostor. After a while, he filed for divorce and, having received a tidy sum from the actress, disappeared in an unknown direction.
Paul spent the last years of her life in oblivion. Accustomed to fame and fans, it was difficult for her to put up with the dimension of rural life. But she learned this lesson with dignity. Paula Negri lived to be 90 years old and spent her last years in peace and tranquility.
And her talent is still alive. Evidence of it can be seen in retro paintings.