One of the most popular girls on Russian TV has had several serious novels. Longest of all, Dana Borisova lived with businessman Maxim Aksenov. The couple even had a daughter, Pauline.

Dana Borisova was in full view for a long time. Then - suddenly disappeared from TV screens. Recently, the popular presenter returned to the life of viewers again, but with a sad story of divorce and treatment for alcoholism.
Career start and first novels
As a child, Dana did not even dream of TV. She was born in a small Belarusian town in an ordinary family. After moving to the north of Russia, nothing changed in Borisova's life: the blonde beauty studied well, and in her free time she studied with her little sister. The modest Dana had no friends, so most often she stayed at home after school.
One day, the future TV star saw an advertisement for the recruitment of presenters on a local channel. The girl decided to take a chance and, unexpectedly for herself, easily went through all the tours. The 16-year-old schoolgirl first became the presenter of a youth program, then an announcer.

Already at that moment, the young beauty had many fans. After about a couple of months of starting work on television, Dana began her first relationship. The young man was several years older than the blonde and saw her for the first time in a program in which viewers ordered congratulations for their loved ones. The guy found the TV presenter's phone and asked her out on a date.
But the relationship between young people did not last long. Their communication ended after Dana moved to Moscow. Self-confident after a year of work on television, the beauty did not doubt that she would easily enter a prestigious university. And so it happened.
Soon Borisova got a place as a TV presenter in an army entertainment TV show. This pilot project quickly became a hit. The conscripts watched each new issue and literally filled Dana with letters with declarations of love. Interestingly, Dana herself traveled to military units and even visited Chechnya at a dangerous time.
Last Hero
The girl could not finish Moscow State University, because she devoted most of her time to work. But Dana became more and more popular on TV. At that time, there were only short love stories in Borisova's life, which did not end with anything serious. Many men believed that the popular TV presenter was too frivolous and not suitable for family life.

Borisova's popularity grew literally every day. And Dana herself warmed her up either by erotic photo shoots for men's magazines, or by participating in rating shows. At the same time, she instantly fascinated the stronger sex everywhere. So behind the scenes of the show "The Last Hero" the beauty began a secret affair with one of the members of the film crew. It was very hard for Dana on the island, and a new fan fed her. True, on the "mainland" the relationship between the couple did not continue.
Borisova's life changed a lot after meeting her first spouse. Their meeting took place in 2005. Maxim Aksenov was literally fascinated by the gorgeous blonde and quickly proposed to her. Dana agreed.

After a beautiful wedding, the couple began to live together with a businessman. Borisova gave birth to the chosen one, daughter Polina. Initially, the couple's marriage was very happy. In her interviews at that time, Dana said that she had met the perfect man and plans to live with him all her life.
Unfortunately, the happiness of the star family did not last long. For some time, Dana disappeared from TV screens. Fans were sure that she just plunged headlong into family life. And suddenly the girl again began to attend scandalous talk shows. It turned out that during this time she managed to go through a difficult divorce and even recover from alcoholism.
Initially, Aksenov tried to take away a common daughter from the TV presenter. But in the end, the girl still stayed with her mother. To date, the former spouses have managed to establish communication. They became friends for Polina's sake.
8 months of marriage
After a divorce from Aksenov, Borisova remarried. Her chosen one was Andrei Troshchenko, who even divorced his wife for the sake of the blonde. By the way, there is information that in fact only the second marriage turned out to be official for the TV presenter, and with Aksenov they simply lived together without a list. True, Dana and Andrei did not live together for long. The lovers' marriage lasted only 8 months.

Borisova said that she quickly realized that the new chosen one was not her man. With Troshchenko, she managed to remain on good friendly relations.
Currently, Dana is lonely again. The girl frankly tells reporters that she dreams of a new strong family. As long as age allows, she would like to give birth to another child and become a faithful companion for a worthy man. Borisova even turned to the Let's Get Married program for help, where she was looking for a groom. True, in reality, the man quickly disappointed the blonde beauty.