Elizabeth Hurley is an English actress, model, producer and designer, an official of the Estee Lauder brand, and the owner of the Elizabeth Hurley Beach beachwear brand. She became famous for her leading roles in the films "Blinded by Desires", "Fraudsters".

A family
Elizabeth was born on June 10, 1965 in the town of Basingstoke, Hampshire. The actress's zodiac sign is Gemini. Neither Elizabeth's mother, a simple school teacher, nor a military dad suspected that a real star would grow out of their little daughter.
Since the head of the family was in military service, the family constantly moved, every year Liz studied at a new school. Despite their nomadic lifestyle, Roy Leonard and Angela Hurley managed to raise and raise three children.
Mom Liz, noticing that her thin daughter is growing poorly (this is now Hurley's height - 173 cm) and is not gaining weight, did not rush to famous doctors and did not try to fatten the baby. On the contrary, she firmly decided that Elizabeth should become a ballerina, and sent her to a dance studio.
The father managed to cultivate willpower in his daughter, she was used to not giving up and achieving her goal. Elizabeth's first such goal was the London Studio Center, a prestigious dance and acting school where she studied for several years.

Elizabeth Hurley dreamed of a theatrical stage, but gained fame through the film industry. The beginning of her career is associated with work in the theater and on television, and the first film debut took place when the girl was 22 years old.
She was noticed by producer Don Boyd and invited to star in the film musical "Aria". The tape consisted of 10 short stories created by different directors based on opera masterpieces. Hurley got the role of Marietta in the novel based on the opera "The Dead City", with which she coped brilliantly.
After that, the career of an actress went uphill, the girl was noticed and appreciated by critics. For several years, Elizabeth starred in a number of films, playing supporting roles. His Hollywood debut was the 1992 film Passenger 57, where Hurley played the role of Sabrina. Despite the success of the film, there were no offers from Hollywood directors, and the girl decided to try her luck at home, in England.
Despite everything, Elizabeth did not doubt her talent and success. She organized a film company in her native England, and soon offers to shoot again fell on her. The actress continues to act today, albeit with a break (being married to an Indian millionaire from 2007 to 2011, she almost never appeared on the screens).
The most popular films in which Hurley played, which brought her fame and worldwide success, were very diverse. The talent of the actress allows her to take on roles that are opposite in nature. For example, Elizabeth starred as the spy girl Austin Powers (Mike Myers) in the 1997 film Austin Powers: The Legendary Man.
In 1998, with the participation of Elizabeth in the role of the heroine Sandra, the picture Eternal Midnight was released. The drama is about a writer who lost everything due to his addiction to drugs. Defeating passion, the main character, played by Ben Stiller, returned to his old life. In the film "Blinded by Desires" 2000 release, Elizabeth Hurley appeared as the Devil, who embodies the seven wishes of the hero Brendan Fraser in exchange for his soul. But the deal is ultimately invalidated.
Successful for Elizabeth was the role in the film "Wrong" in 2001, and the comedy "Fraudsters", where the actress played in tandem with Matthew Perry, the audience dismantled for quotes.
Three years later, Elizabeth Hurley's repertoire was supplemented by work in the thriller Method, about the actress Rebecca, who begins to confuse life with the fictional world of cinema. Soon, with the participation of Hurley, the teenage series "Gossip Girl" and the movie "Made in Romania" were released. In 2011, the actress got a role in the adventure film Wonder Woman, where she played the heroine Veronica Cale.

A beautiful figure, natural grace, bright appearance and talent of the actress allowed her to become a model and the face of a famous brand without going through any training.
In 1994, Elizabeth Hurley co-founded Simian Films with Hugh Grant. As a producer, she directed two films: "Extreme Measures" with Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker and Gene Hackman, as well as "Blue-Eyed Mickey" all with the same Hugh Grant.
In 2005, Elizabeth launched a line of beachwear under the Elizabeth Hurley Beach brand. Her swimwear is worn by many celebrities (in numerous photos Katy Perry, Paris Hilton and other famous ladies are sporting them), which only emphasizes the excellent taste and multifaceted talent of the star.
Personal life and children
Men have always been present in the life of a beauty with gray eyes, but the only lasting and bright in her life was her long-term romance with Hugh Grant. The couple was together for 13 years, Elizabeth supported and even raised Hugh, helped him, instilled confidence.
Unfortunately, having "matured", Grant became burdened by the care and friendship of his beloved, and the couple broke up.
The reason that the family and personal life of the acting couple did not work out was Liz's passionate desire to have children. Perhaps the rampant use of hormonal drugs in her youth affected, and Elizabeth could not get pregnant.
When the long-awaited son was born in 2002, his father was not handsome Hugh, but the actress's new boyfriend, Steve Bing. The father at first denied kinship with the boy, but the DNA test put everything in its place. Hugh, to his credit, supported his ex-girlfriend all this time and even wanted to adopt a child, but eventually the celebrity couple broke up.
Elizabeth's family appeared after the birth of her son Damian. In 2007, the actress married a Hindu named Arun Nayar. The husband was jealous of his wife, and Hurley stopped acting for a while.

The couple divorced in 2011, and the same year, the actress announced her engagement to Shane Warne. This union broke up in 2013, after which Elizabeth was credited with romances with the son of the Russian millionaire Alexander Lebedev, Yevgeny, with partner in the series "Members of the Royal Family" Jake Maskull. In 2017, information appeared in the media about Elizabeth Hurley's relationship with composer and producer David Foster. Their reporters spotted them on a private jet when they were flying on vacation. But the couple did not comment on this.
Elizabeth Hurley never ceases to amaze fans with her impeccable appearance, regularly appearing in swimsuits of her brand on Instagram pages and showing off elegant outfits on Twitter. For a long time, Elizabeth, with a height of 173 cm, maintains a stable weight. According to some sources, it is 54 kg, according to others - 60 kg. But, despite the rather candid pictures in swimsuits, the actress did not become a model for the magazines for men "Playboy" and "Maxim".
In an interview, the actress talks about the secrets of her youth. Elizabeth recommends drinking a glass of warm water daily in the morning, avoiding large amounts of fruit, and avoiding flour products. A healthy diet includes seafood, vegetables, light soups, and brown rice.
Hurley is not particularly fanatic about sports training. The actress prefers pilates and yoga classes. Also, Elizabeth discovered the rejuvenating effect of a contrast shower, which at the same time brings a charge of vivacity and strengthens the immune system.
Now the actress appears on the screen less often, being carried away by promoting her own brand. In 2018, in addition to filming in Season 4 of The Royals, Hurley took part in the dubbing of the animated film The Wild Herd, which is preparing for release.