Practical and fashionable clothing for dogs not only helps owners to embellish their beloved pets - it is often an absolute must. Many decorative pets of short-haired breeds cannot do without protection from slush and wind of the demi-season, winter frosts. Headdresses are especially relevant for dogs with ear diseases. Try knitting a dog beret for spring or cold summer evenings and your four-legged pet will look stylish and well-groomed.

To knit a beret for a small dog, you will need no more than a skein of threads, about 50-60 g. For a future headdress, choose a soft and pleasant to wear acrylic yarn in the same style as the main outfit. Today, you can find a large number of recommendations on the Internet on how to dress your dog in spring and other seasons, so think about the optimal outfit for your pet in advance.
Be sure to run a garter stitch pattern (knit stitches only) on circular knitting needles # 3 - this will allow you to accurately represent the density of your knitting.
Start knitting the dog's beret from the bottom edge - the rim, the length of which is determined according to the finished knitted pattern and the circumference of the dog's head.
Make a detail 2 cm high and go to hosiery (from the "face" of the canvas - front loops, on the back side - purl). To form the main part of the headdress, double the number of thread bows on the working knitting needle by performing a crochet through each loop (in the next round they are knitted with crossed purls). Then, from the "face" of the canvas, make one increase after every fourth bow.
Tie a piece of the desired height, periodically trying on the blank for the dog, and then proceed to knitting the bottom of the beret for the dog. In the front circles, cut the fabric in the following sequence: knit every fifth and sixth loops once; fourth and fifth; third and fourth. After that, knit together a pair of thread bows, and pass the working yarn through the rest, cut off a small "tail" and tightly pull the top of the headdress.
Optionally, the product can be equipped with a mischievous visor. For him, crochet 18 links of the air chain and perform straight and reverse single crochets, making decreases at the end and beginning of every second row. In order for the canvas to take on a rounded shape at the edges, knit symmetrically together along a pair of columns. When the visor is formed, finish the job. You managed to knit a beret for a dog, all that remains is to decorate it to your taste with embroidery, applique or pom-pom.