Zhenya Belousov's Wife: Photo

Zhenya Belousov's Wife: Photo
Zhenya Belousov's Wife: Photo

Zhenya Belousov lived a very short but bright life. He and his work drove millions of fans crazy. The artist loved women, was married several times and was in a relationship with the most beautiful representatives of show business.

Zhenya Belousov's wife: photo
Zhenya Belousov's wife: photo

Romance with Marta Mogilevskaya

Zhenya Belousov is a legendary singer, performer of such striking hits as "My blue-eyed girl", "Night taxi", "Girl, girl". He lived his life brightly, not denying himself pleasure. Zhenya has always been a favorite of women, and his love stories resembled the most twisted plots of novels. Belousov's personal life is closely intertwined with his career and work. Marta Mogilevskaya played an important role in his fate. He performed with the "Integral" group in the "Shire Krug" program, where he met this woman. At that time she was a very influential person, she worked as an editor in the "Morning Mail". It was she who convinced Zhenya of the need to perform solo. Mogilevskaya found producers for him and helped him take the first steps towards real success. Subsequently, Marta herself destroyed the relationship with Zhenya, introducing him to the aspiring singer Natalia Vetlitskaya. Immediately after this meeting, Belousov changed and Mogilevskaya immediately understood everything. She did not start scandals, but simply left her lover.

Marriage with Natalia Vetlitskaya

The marriage with Vetlitskaya turned out to be one of the most rash and shortest among all the alliances that have ever been concluded between representatives of show business. After the first meeting with Natalya at the Cosmos Hotel, Belousov did not leave her a single step and, after a few weeks, made an offer. The marriage lasted only 9 days. The young people parted because of the betrayal of Vetlitskaya.

Marriage with Elena Khudik

Zhenya met Elena Khudik back in his native Kursk at a school disco. They met for a long time, then Belousov left for the capital and the young people had to leave. Elena visited Zhenya several times. The girl knew about his novels and relations with Marta Mogilevskaya and this greatly upset her. Nevertheless, she became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, Christina, from Belousov. Zhenya's parents helped to raise the child.


After the divorce from Natalya Vetlitskaya, Belousov repented and suggested that Elena Khudik start everything from the very beginning. They even formalized the relationship and got married. But the marriage did not last long. Elena knew that she was not the only woman in Zhenya's life, and at some point she got tired of it.

An affair with Oksana Shidlovskaya

After marrying Elena, Khudik Zhenya Belousov began secretly meeting with the keyboard player from his team, Oksana Shidlovskaya. They did not officially declare their relationship, but people from their inner circle guessed everything. Oksana was married at that time. Together with Belousov, she went on tour and their son Roman was born. Shidlovskaya confessed everything to her husband, but he did not make scenes of jealousy, and later even made friends with a popular performer, began to work in his team.

Relationship with Elena Savina

Elena Savina became the last woman in the life of Zhenya Belousov. They met when the popular singer was already 29 years old, and she had just become an adult. The bright girl attracted the attention of Belousov. She was very similar to his favorite actress Kim Bessinger and the popular performer invited her to go on tour with him. Elena refused Zhenya, because she did not know him at all. But after the second meeting, she left after him, leaving her home and school.

The relationship with the popular singer was quite difficult. Belousov sometimes drank, allowed himself to be rude and started romances on the side. Elena admitted that she knew about all his hobbies, but was afraid of losing a loved one. For advice, she even turned to the ex-wife of her lover. Savina and Belousov never registered a relationship.

In 1997, Zhenya started having serious health problems. He entered the Sklifosovsky Institute with an attack of acute pancreatitis. The singer's condition deteriorated rapidly, so he underwent an urgent operation, after which he lived for only about a month and died of a stroke. All this time, Elena Savina was nearby and hoped for a miracle.

After the death of her beloved man, she remained alone for a long time, and then married a very influential man, gave birth to a daughter and named her Zhenya in honor of her former civil husband. Elena arbitrarily took his name and began performing on stage as a singer, calling herself Elena Belousova.
