How To Make An Origami Animal

How To Make An Origami Animal
How To Make An Origami Animal

Table of contents:


The art of origami was originally invented in China in the second century AD, almost simultaneously with the invention of paper. Later, art migrated to Japan. The first in this country who began to create figures from square sheets were monks, but in the 12-13 centuries. the skill began to spread among the general population. Today, paper folding is known almost all over the world, but traditions remain common to any country and class.

How to make an origami animal
How to make an origami animal


Step 1

The origami figure is based on a square sheet of white paper. This form symbolizes the peace and harmony of the universe in general and the master in particular. In some cases, white paper is replaced with colored paper.

Step 2

Scissor cuts, tears and gluing are excluded in the schemes. All figurine manipulations are based on folds. Thus, the wholeness and self-sufficiency of nature, master and creation is emphasized.

Step 3

Almost everything can be made of paper: clothes, weapons (naturally, not combat), jewelry and animals. The latter is the most popular and widespread topic for beginners and origami masters.

Step 4

The scheme of each animal in the technique is unique, and some animals have several schemes and shapes. To make a specific animal, you need to pre-select a folding pattern. Several sites that have a catalog of origami schemes are listed under the article.
