Everyone who has seen the performance of a professional illusionist at least once wants to learn how to do the same little miracle with pleasure. In order to show tricks and amaze your children, friends and loved ones, it is necessary, first of all, to master the basics of this art, to learn how to perform the simplest techniques and demonstrate them correctly.

It is necessary
Literature teaching the technique of performing tricks, an information carrier with video lessons, a mirror and props: playing cards, paper, banknotes, bottles, pencils, ropes, cubes, rings, thimbles, coins, cigarettes, handkerchiefs, matches, paper clips, balls
Step 1
Explore all the information available about performing tricks, watch the relevant video tutorials, and choose the tricks you would like to master.
Step 2
Take the necessary props and start practicing in front of the mirror until the tricks start to work out 100 out of 100 percent of the time. Do not show focus to the audience until it is flawlessly worked out.
Step 3
Showcase your skills to the audience. However, do not reveal the secret of performing the focus, except when the intent of the presentation requires it.
Step 4
Show different tricks and do not repeat the same trick during the same performance.
Step 5
Finish the performance before the viewer is satisfied with the demonstration of the illusion.