To preserve the charm of summer flowers and the warmth of the sun's rays in your home, you can embroidery depicting poppies. Make a painting using ribbons to keep the flowers alive.

It is necessary
Ribbons of various thicknesses in red and green shades, green lace or beads, threads and needles, base fabric, a simple pencil, scissors
Step 1
Examine the structure of the poppy. See how its petals are located, what shape they are. The better you reproduce the flower in your work, the more beautiful the embroidery will be. Think about how you will depict the poppies, how many will be, how you will place them. Using a pencil, draw flowers on the fabric, which will be the basis for your embroidery.
Step 2
Sew along the inner edge of the widest red tape, collecting it along the way with an accordion. Move in a circle, making uniform assemblies, and tighten the edge of the tape slightly. A large flower requires approximately 25 cm of ribbon. Then go over the outer edge of the tape, carefully sewing it on with as discreet stitches as possible.
Step 3
Cut off 4 cm of the green cord with scissors and sew it into the core of the flower in the same way as the ribbon, accordion. Create an outline around the lace by sewing a few stitches using a needle and black thread. The thicker the outline you want, the more times you need to sew around the lace.
Step 4
Shape the edges of the lace to simulate the pollen on the tendrils of a poppy. This can be done with semolina and attached with glue. Dip the end of the cord lightly into it and sprinkle with semolina on top. You will get almost real stamens.
Step 5
To decorate the middle of the flower, you can use beads instead of green lace. Sew it in place of the core. Choose one type of stamen creation for all poppy flowers in the picture.
Step 6
Complete the buds. Sew the tape not in a circle, but to one side to create an unblown poppy flower. Remember to do the assembly on tape. Decorate the middle of the flower.
Step 7
Take the green ribbons and create stems and leaves after all the flowers have been completed. Sew the tape along the pencil drawing on the fabric, bending it slightly for a more believable image.
Step 8
Insert the embroidery into the frame. The picture is ready. You can hang it in any room and, looking at it, remember the summer and sunny days.