Polymer clay is an excellent base for creativity. Not only figurines, but also decorations can be made from this material. The properties of clay allow it to harden in air or in the oven. Such things can be stored for a very long time.

Polymer clay is divided into two types: one that hardens when heated, and one that hardens on its own in the fresh air. You can sculpt small figures from any clay, it all depends on your imagination and the purpose of the product. For example, miniature figurines can be made from clay, which does not need to be baked. Before starting work, put on gloves. Prepare a flat surface, spread the newspaper, this is necessary so as not to stain the table. If you've chosen a clay that needs to be heated later, you'll need a baking sheet and a bag of salt. Spice the spice on the bottom, and distribute the products on the surface. Hardened clay can be softened with a special product. If this is not the case, cut off a piece and hold it in your hands, the material will quickly acquire the necessary plasticity. You need to work with clay carefully so that the colors do not mix, moisten your fingers with water after each shade. If you've chosen a clay that doesn't need to be baked, work very quickly. This material dries quickly, so cover it with plastic wrap while sculpting. Be sure to read the instructions for the clay, not all brands can be painted, in addition, the manufacturer, as a rule, indicates the setting time. Clay can be used to make not only jewelry, but also toys. Alternatively, you can mold fruits, a tea set, dolls on a wire frame for girls, and boys will be delighted with a car park made with their own hands. Polymer clay jewelry can be painted with acrylic paint, varnished, polished, strung on pins. Try to make gifts for your loved ones from this wonderful material, they will love it!