The American film "That Two More" is released on the screens of Russian cinemas on June 28, 2019. This comedy melodrama is distinguished by an original and very exciting plot, but rather specific humor.

The release of the film "That still a couple" for rent
Long Shot is an American romantic comedy directed by Jonathan Levine. Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron starred. Other actors also worked on the creation of the film: June Raphael, Ravi Patel, Bob Odenkerk, Andy Serkis, Randall Park, Alexander Skarsgard. The world premiere of the picture took place in March 2019. The film will be released in Russia on 28 June.
Plot of the film
The film "That Two More" has a very interesting plot. The creators of the picture and the authors of the script relied on opposites. The two main characters are completely different, but at the same time they end up together. Charlotte Field, played by Charlize Theron, is one of the most powerful women on the planet. She holds the post of US Secretary of State and wants to become president.

Fred Flarsky, played by Seth Rogen, is a talented but eccentric and self-destructive journalist. They call him a loser and he has nothing to do with Charlotte, perfect in every way, except that she was once his first love. The main characters met again after many years. Fred wanted to win over Mrs. Field's favor. This funny, rude, ridiculously simple guy in his statements evoked reciprocal feelings in Charlotte. The secretary of state, unexpectedly for everyone, entrusted Fred to write campaign speeches for her. Their reunion launched a chain of dizzyingly ridiculous and dangerous events on a global scale. The eccentric couple had to go through a lot to get ahead of their competitors in the dirty political arena. Fred's help proved invaluable to Charlotte and she did not regret that she took her longtime acquaintance as a partner.

Critics about the film "That still a couple"
The film "That still a couple" has already been seen by viewers of some countries, and critics have written their own reviews. The film received high marks from fans of good cinema. The comedy turned out to be interesting, with an exciting plot and an abundance of jokes. At the same time, critics have the most complaints about jokes. All of them are composed in the American way and to the Russian audience they may seem a little strange and vulgar. Not everyone liked vulgar humor. For this reason, the film is not recommended for family viewing. You can go to the cinema with friends, but not with children. The comedy melodrama will appeal to young people over 18 years old who know how to understand specific humor. In some places, profanity slips through the film.
The play of the actors in the comedy deserves special attention and the highest ratings. Charlize Theron got used to the role perfectly. The main character, played by Rogen, was convincing, but in places he overplayed. The audience was puzzled how such a beautiful and successful woman could fall in love with a man with strange behavior and an unpleasant appearance. To some, this made the storyline seem implausible.

The film has a rather interesting and unexpected ending, so it must be watched to the end. Not all viewers liked the way this movie ended, but the director took a similar move in order to get away from routine and familiar standards.