How To Brew A Potion Of Experience In Minecraft

How To Brew A Potion Of Experience In Minecraft
How To Brew A Potion Of Experience In Minecraft

In Minecraft, potion making is a real opportunity for any player to significantly improve their mining and combat characteristics. With the help of such magical drinks, the gamer gives crushing power to his weapon, defends himself from fire, improves the speed of recovery after wounds, extracts more valuable resources from each individual block, etc. Almost all potions are created on a special brewing rack - except for one.

Experience potion is not easy to get
Experience potion is not easy to get

"The agony of experience" in Minecraft

For some great injustice in Minecraft, it is considered impossible to create an experience potion. At the same time, the importance of such a magical drink, available only in Creative mode in the first versions of the game, is difficult to overestimate. Experience in gameplay is as needed as in real life.

Its accumulation allows gamers to gain access to hitherto unknown gaming opportunities. This primarily concerns the more "advanced" enchantments on the enchanting table. It is thanks to a sufficient amount of gaming experience that a gamer gets a chance to "enchant" his sword with some third level luck, thanks to which he gets more loot - including rarely dropped - from killing hostile mobs. If you enchant a mining tool in a similar way, Fortune will smile even when mining resources.

The experience is usually extremely difficult. To somehow significantly increase its level, you will need to kill entire hordes of monsters (which, after all, will also try to inflict damage on the player, or even kill him). Other ways to gain experience are fishing, destroying buildings, or spilling the contents of a vial of the appropriate potion on yourself.

In the game, it looks like a liquid iridescent with yellow-green shades. Getting it in the game is incredibly difficult. There is a small chance of finding flasks with a coveted potion in treasuries. However, there is absolutely no guarantee that they will end up in such repositories of valuable resources.

It will be much easier if an NPC village is generated on the map. In it, you need to find a priest (usually he is in a stone building with a cross - a church - and is dressed in a lilac mantle) and, armed with a sufficient amount of emeralds, try to bargain with him. He does not put up the potion for sale right away, so you will have to buy other things from him first. For one emerald, up to two or four bubbles of the elixir of experience will be offered.

Mods and cheats for creating experience potion

However, do not think that brewing a potion of experience in Minecraft is absolutely unrealistic. Many gamers think so, but only because they do not know about the existence of some special mods.

For example, Bottle o'Enchanting comes in handy in this regard. It was created solely to give players the opportunity to brew an elixir of experience. In this case, the cooking rack, as for other potions, will not be needed. Everything is done exclusively in a conventional oven.

To do this, you first need to install the mod by dropping the files from the archive of its installer into the mods folder located in Minecraft Forge. Then you will need to craft an empty vial in the usual way. For this, three glass blocks are installed on the workbench - in the central slot of the lower row and in the side cells of the middle one.

Having received such a flask, you need to place it in the stove and, without even adding water, heat it over coal. One coal is enough to create eight of these vials of experience potion.

With a small mod, Bottles of Exp, they can generally be crafted in the traditional way for Minecraft - on a workbench. Here, however, in addition to the bottle for their creation, you will need a more expensive resource than in the above modification - a diamond. The latter needs to be placed in the center of the workbench, and a flask should be placed under it. As a result, five bottles of experience potion will be released.

There is also a very cheating way to get them. To do this, enter the / give command, and specify your nickname, 384 (experience potion ID) and the required amount through spaces. However, it is important to understand that such methods on multi-user resources are usually punishable.

To activate such bottles, you need to break them on any solid block in front of you (at least on the ground). Bluish bubbles will appear at this point. To gain a certain amount of experience, you just need to pick them up.
