The love potion is used in various love spells, which are practiced by sorcerers, grandmothers - healers and many psychics. It is quite possible to make a love potion yourself at home, and you should not pay big money to dubious magicians and wizards. As they say, everything is in our hands and in the right mindset.

Step 1
Take a cup of clean spring water. To do this, you can go to the reservoir, forest or lake, where the location of the springs is known. Then look for strawberries or strawberries. This berry in your potion will represent love. Buy a small white chocolate and a black one. These candies will symbolize yin and yang - the feminine principle, that is, you, and the masculine. Then melt the chocolate, pour it into a glass of spring water, add the strawberries and stir well. Imagine how chocolate has connected with each other, so you and your beloved will live in friendship and harmony. Drink this potion and immediately write something pleasant and gentle to your chosen one. He will definitely feel the love energy of your words and will reciprocate.
Step 2
Pour drinking water into a glass and tell the water what you want. Better come up with a quatrain in which you indicate everything you want to get in real life. You should not resort to the verbal preparations of various shamans or fortune-tellers that can be found on the Internet. Your desire is individual and not like other people's dreams. Compose what your feeling and warm heart dictate to you. Once you've come up with a water spell, say it three times and drink half a glass. The other half should be drunk by your significant other. Do not forget to mentally recite your poem while your lover drinks the prepared water.
Step 3
Brew tea from flower petals that you associate with a sublime feeling. Probably, you will choose a rose, chamomile, chrysanthemum, jasmine. Or, perhaps, herbs like mint, basil, tarragon. Rinse the collected herbs well, dry and brew them with hot water. Drink a little, diluting the tea with cold water. Imagine your loved one nearby, smell his smell, remember his words. So, one day he will show up on your porch.