Early to early morning, pinking sky in the east. The frozen surface of the pond, no breeze. Somewhere in the reeds something incredibly large floated on the water with its tail! A trail of bubbles appeared next to the floats … What can make a fisherman's heart beat even more !? Maybe a float that suddenly disappeared under water, or an elastic weight with an arc of a bent fishing rod? But for this to happen, you still need to try very hard.

Step 1
The water in ponds warms up much earlier than in rivers and large lakes. For this reason, fish in artificial reservoirs begin to peck in the spring. In the middle lane, for example, the flowering of bird cherry in early May often coincides with the onset of small and short cold weather, and after them wait for the beginning of active biting of perch, crucian carp, carp. If possible, before you start fishing, observe this particular reservoir. It so happens that there is reliable information about the good stocking of the pond, but for some reason there is no bite. There can be several reasons for this behavior of fish.
Step 2
Take a closer look, perhaps you have taken a very good place, and this choice played a cruel joke on you, because many fishermen consider it necessary to abundantly feed the area chosen for fishing. As a result, there is a lot of uneaten groundbait, which, having deteriorated, frightens off the fish with its smell. Then everyone is surprised that the last of those who came to the reservoir, the fisherman who slept through everything, sat down on the most unsightly place, and began to drag one fish after another.
Step 3
On paid ponds, it is not profitable for the owners that the fishermen take with them any catch. Therefore, before weekends and holidays, they either feed the fish with a large amount of compound feed, or with the help of a drain system, they sharply reduce the water level in the pond, and frightened carps, grass carps, etc., are driven into deep holes and stop eating altogether. So, fishing fees are not a guarantee of a good bite.
Step 4
As for the fishing methods, the choice of tackle - it all depends on what types of fish the pond is inhabited, which of these representatives of the aquatic world you are going to catch. Bearing in mind that the net and its varieties such as a cradle, a screen, a TV, and a scarf are almost universally prohibited for fishing, you should prepare fishing rods and spinning rods. You must admit that the greatest excitement and adrenaline rush is directly caused by the physical struggle with a strong fish at the other end of the line.
Step 5
Crucian carp in ponds usually does not grow to large sizes, therefore, a fishing rod for it should be equipped with a fishing line up to 0.15 mm, a light sinker and a sensitive feather float, a small hook. It takes crucian carp very well on a jig; for this method of fishing, a short, light rod, with a nod at the end, is suitable; bloodworm, worm, semolina or dough are suitable as a nozzle. Such tackle is convenient for catching crucian carp in the windows of clean water in duckweed, at the edge of reeds and other vegetation, while for carp, on the contrary, tackle needs strong, the best fit is a donk based on spinning. Here you already need a fishing line from 0, 22 mm and thicker, you can equip it with a feeder, put several worms in a bundle on large hooks, or stick several hooks into a piece of cake, slightly smaller than a matchbox. You can fill the feeder with pea or pearl barley porridge with an admixture of boiled corn, potatoes, oilcake, you can safely experiment with combinations of these ingredients.
Step 6
To catch predatory perch and pike, catch live bait with a small fish, it should be stored in the most spacious container, when aerating the water with an ordinary aquarium compressor, the fry do not die for several weeks. A spinning line, with a thickness of 0.2 mm, equip with a metal leash, if there is no bait, then use spinners, the configuration of which is selected experimentally. To avoid twisting the fishing line, connect the leash with it with a swivel.