In order to teach a child to draw a rose, you need to show him how, using auxiliary shapes and lines, you can create the contours of a flower, and then add details to the image.

Step 1
Begin your drawing by constructing construction parts. Draw a circle for the rosebud and the line that will be the stem, it doesn't have to be perfectly straight. In places where the trunk is curved, draw small sections in the direction of growth of the leaf.
Step 2
Mark a point on the circle - this will be the center of the flower's opening. It can be located either strictly in the upper part of the auxiliary part, or it can be shifted slightly to the right or left.
Step 3
Draw the first petal, starting with the youngest, located in the center of the flower. Draw it in the form of a small expanding spiral, close the line on one of the sides. You should have a small pretzel.
Step 4
Draw three petals to it from different sides, note that they are somewhat larger than the central one. Observe the direction of bud blooming, that is, each petal overlaps the previous one and goes under the next.
Step 5
Draw a few more larger petals, do not try to make their edges even, they may have curvatures or small breaks. Keep in mind that the petals can turn in the opposite direction, depict these details using an additional line located a short distance from the edge of the petal and repeating its contour.
Step 6
Start drawing the stem. Make it not too thick, but moderately strong so that it can majestically carry a large flower. Note that the stem tapers slightly at the top.
Step 7
Complete the drawing with leaves. Their shape resembles an oval with a sharp end. In addition, each sheet has a jagged, jagged edge. The leaves are located on a short shoot in three pieces.
Step 8
Color in the drawing. Choose the color of the petals yourself, select the curved edge of each of them with a darker color than the main surface.